First name(s) *
Please do not use only capital letters.
Family name *
Gender *
Date of birth *
Nationality *
2. Current address
Street and number *
Town *
Zip code
Country *
Email * (only one address)
3. Education
3.1 College or university attended (current or most recent enrolment)
Name of college or university *
City *
Country *
Website of college or university *
Attended from *
Title of awarded/expected degree *
e.g. Master of Science in Meteorology
Official graduation date *
When did you receive your degree or when will your degree be awarded?
Major field(s) of studies *
e.g. Atmospheric Dynamics and Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry
Title of thesis *
Download link of the thesis
3.2 College or university attended (earlier enrolment, if applicable)
Note: If you have attended more than two universities,
mention two most important ones in sections 3.1 and 3.2 (e.g. two Master degrees).
Please list other degree programs you have attended in your CV.
Name of college or university
Website of college or university
Attended from
Title of awarded/expected degree
e.g. Master of Science in Meteorology
Official graduation date
Major field of studies
Title of Thesis
4. Skills
4.1 Computational and programming skills
Please indicate your level of experience in brackets.
Software *
Please name applications that you
are confident to work with,
along with your level of experience.
You can use the HTML tag <br> for line breaks. Do not use any symbols like semicolons, quotation marks and angle brackets.
Programming languages *
Please name programming languages that
you are confident to work with,
along with your level of experience.
You can use the HTML tag <br> for line breaks. Do not use any symbols like semicolons, quotation marks and angle brackets.
Operating systems *
Which operating systems have you been
using so far? What is your level of
You can use the HTML tag <br> for line breaks. Do not use any symbols like semicolons, quotation marks and angle brackets.
Other computer skills
Which other computer related skills do you have?
What is your level of experience?
You can use the HTML tag <br> for line breaks. Do not use any symbols like semicolons, quotation marks and angle brackets."
4.2 Hands-on experience in the lab *
List instruments and methods you are familiar with. Techniques you explored and gained skills in a real lab.
You can use the HTML tag <br> for line breaks. Do not use any symbols like semicolons, quotation marks and angle brackets.
4.3 Language skills
English *
Please mention your level of experience.
Other languages
4.4 Honors, awards, memberships
Fill in if applicable.
You can use the HTML tag <br> for line breaks. Do not use any symbols like semicolons, quotation marks and angle brackets.
Member of
You can use the HTML tag <br> for line breaks. Do not use any symbols like semicolons, quotation marks and angle brackets.
5. Publications
You can use the HTML tag <br> for line breaks. Do not use any symbols like semicolons, quotation marks and angle brackets.
After submitting this form, you will have the option to upload your publication list as a PDF file. This category is optional.
5.1 Publications in peer-reviewed journals
You can use the HTML tag <br> for line breaks. Do not use any symbols like semicolons, quotation marks and angle brackets.
5.2 Publications in book chapters, reports, etc.
You can use the HTML tag <br> for line breaks. Do not use any symbols like semicolons, quotation marks and angle brackets.
5.3 Talks/Posters during conferences
You can use the HTML tag <br> for line breaks. Do not use any symbols like semicolons, quotation marks and angle brackets.
6. Research interest
Please choose maximum 3 PhD projects you are interested in. Your application can not be considered for more than 3 PhD projects owing to the resulting workload. Thank you for your understanding!
You will later on be requested to provide short essay outlining
- your motivation to do the selected PhD research,
- your goal in participating in the program,
- why you are interested in global biogeochemical cycles in general, and
- why you are interested in research in general
in PDF format.
Atmosphere & Ocean
Biosphere & Ecosystems
Soils & Below Ground
Other interest
Already PhD researcher
7. References *
Name 2-3 Referees.
We will contact your chosen referees directly via email if you will be short-listed by a project advisor or a steering committee member. You do need to upload the reference letters.
8. Outside interests & extracurricular activites
You can use the HTML tag <br> for line breaks. Do not use any symbols like semicolons, quotation marks and angle brackets.
How did you become aware of the IMPRS-gBGC in the first place? |
Website |
Mailing list |
Professor, faculty member, colleagues | |
Social media | |
other | |
All data submitted through the online application system will be treated strictly confidential. By submitting your data you agree that the information you provide will be forwarded to the IMPRS-gBGC selection committee and potential supervisors associated with the PhD program for the purpose of evaluation.