'Matty' (MAT252, Willi's squire)

a Finnigan MAT 252 IRMS, in operation since 9/1998. Matty is equipped with a home made inlet system ('BGC-AirTrap') for δ13 C and δ18O analysis of CO2-in-air from glass flasks samples.

'Cora' (MAT252; 'Carbon and Oxygen Ratio Analyser')

a 'Matty-clone' including sample preparation line, in operation since 3/2002. With both instruments, 26 samples and 10 reference measurements can be made per day.

'Irma' (irm-GCMS, Delta+XL; 'Isotope Ratio Monitoring Analyser')

this Delta+XL instrument is coupled with a GC-combustion system for compound specific isotope analysis (13C/12C and 2H/H) from GC eluates. For simultaneous compound identification, 10% of the GC effluent is split off to a GCQ organic mass spectrometer. IsoLab only hosts this instrument, 'IRMA' is operated by the group of Gerd Gleixner.

'Bianca' (Delta+XL; 'Bulk Isotope Analysis of Nitrogen and Carbon')

a Delta+XL, acquired in 2000 and initially equipped with an EA. The instrument is now used either for samples connected to the instrument via a PAL80 autosampler and Gasbench II or it is used to monitor isotope ratios from a home-made Laser ablation system for δ13 C analysis of tree rings.

'Simon' (Delta C; 'Stable Isotope Monitoring system')

a used Delta C prototype IRMS which we acquired in 2001 from a third party. We refurbished the instrument in house to comply with specifications for a Delta+ (Finnigan MAT). Via a ConFlo III, the instrument is coupled on line with an EA 1100 (CE, Mailand) for bulk analysis of δ 13C and δ15N from solid samples.

'Luftikus' (Delta+XL; the name refers to the dedication of the machine to O2/N2 analysis in air samples)

acquired in 1998, this Delta+XL is dedicated to O2 /N2 ratio analysis from air in glass flasks.

'Ianosch' (Delta+XL; 'Isotope Analyser for Nitrogen, Oxygen, Sulfur, Carbon and Hydrogen')

this Delta+XL is dedicated to δ18O and δ2H analysis using a TC/EA system for water samples and a second similar furnace (from Hekatech) for bulk samples. The instrument is also used as a backup system for Simon when sample backlog is high