Code Changes

The code is subject to frequent change. To use new features and possible corrections, regularly update your code by invoking
in your ~/INVERSION/RUN/ directory.
(The ./Update script is replacing the files in your ~/INVERSION/RUN/src/ directory by those from ~m212046/INVERSION/RUN/src/version/ with version denoting the most recent stable code version. In case you did changes to your copy of the code in ~/INVERSION/RUN/src/, there is no risk of loosing them, because ./Update is backing up all your existing files.)

Most changes are just adding optional features, and should not affect existing applications, but:

14.019 (in progress)






















































































































12.070 and before

12.070 * omit mu in output file name if mu==0.

12.069 * depending on species, mixing ratio unit (both in the external and internal files) can be different from "ppm"
         (as defined in "parameters..f")
       * "tm3io_mix3D.f": Convert all variables to be output (c0, mix, gph) into real (in case kc/=k4)
       * "tm3io_flux_buffer.f": Correct bug in effect if tm3 runs in double precision
       * added parameters for further species (ch4, n2o, cos) [partially preliminary]
       * generic file "" provided for doing forward runs

12.068 * "aux.f90": read_prior: Add option to filter (by `tsfilter2D') after direct input
                                by starting filter string by "~"
                                --> this allows all filter types (incl. linear fit) to be applied to input
         (had to change order of modules in "include.f90", and to move function `weight' to module 'mask')
       * "monthly_data.f": No error generated if missing input .ts file - essential if `msite' is set

12.067 * init_rhs: Redefine the meaning of negative values for RHSgroup:
                   If RHSgroup<0 for a component, use each parameter belonging to that component
                   as a separate RHS.
       * correct CPU time check for IBM (replacement of `tremain')
       * add option "Define" to "Run_inv": cpp #DEFINE's to manipulate parameter file
       * provide integration script for PRI just after fluxmodel is ready
       * integrate: Parameter values are written into separate file rather than logfile

12.066 * Add compiler option '-qsmallstack=dynlenonheap' to solve problems with segmentation faults on IBM
       * "aux.f90": read_prior: Ignore non-equidistantness of files with lower than daily frequency
                                because it seems that this can happen w/o being a problem
       * "aux.f90": `unix': Correct way of calling `system' on IBM

12.065 * "aux.f90": load_flux_1: Bug correction:
         - Do not read behind flux(:,:,ntimef) any more
         - Stop loop if more than ntimef records

12.064 * "io.f90": Bug correction in output of time-filtered gridded files
       * "sigmas.f90": add possibility to change the test time (add "+" to the filter;
                       "+I" means the starting time of the run)

12.063 * user-defined subroutines in "priors.f90":
         - rename 'get_apriflux_special' into 'setpriors_special',
         - call it before `get_apriflux' (ie., before any built-in subroutines of `setpriors')
       * "integrate.f90":
         - new subroutine `integrate_special' for diagnostic output calculations in `integrate'
         - declare `apostflux' (formerly `apoflux') as global variable (suh that available in `integrate_special')
         - prepare Lcurve
         - ouput of temporal standard deviations of integrated/filtered fluxes to logfile
       * rename: `integrate_timemask' into `timemask_rhs_default'
                 `integrate_region'   into `regionset_rhs_default'

12.062 * new compiler version IBM/xlf12.1.0.5

12.061 * "priors.f90": correct bug for components with exttFilter="LT":
           there was wrong normalization due to wrong filter ('c' rather than 'b' erronously introduced
           for wgt_Box earlier [probably in 12.035])
           --> a-priori sigmas for LT components may have been too large by factor ~1.2 (possibly
               more for shorter inversion periods)

12.060 * "mask.f90": correct bug: time dimenasion of cos_ftime and sin_ftime only 1:ntimef
       * "diagnose.f90": additionally give values for components as-is (w/o scaling for
           the individual species) - important for components not directly affecting the
           surface-atmosphere fluxes but only through derived components

12.059 * add parameter `atm_constraint' to swtich off transport model run
       * read_prior: no allocatable arrays any more, to prevent memory leaks

12.058 * "Run_inv": can swtich between different "kinds_*.f" files

12.057 * model.f90: parallel do in TIS

12.056 * model.f90: some preparations for using TIS in derived components
         adjoint TIS


12.054 * changes necessary for porting the code to Power6 (
         - change of compiler flags, path names, etc.
           removal of any explicit path names other than in "run_inv.user"
         - "state.f90": replace NAG library calls by LAPACK
         - get_pfgh: remove some wrong and unnessecary lines

12.053 * iteration: possibility to calculate conjugacy separately for pixels

12.052 * "priors.f90" (extra constraints): set shape to zero for all inactive pixels

12.051 * "priors.f90": new option for shape in extra constraints:
           shapefile(iproc)=='%' for setting shape to root mean square apriflux
           (to obtain similar cost function contributions for each pixel)

12.050 * "mask.f90": change in end treatment of "DiffD2" filter

12.049 * "tm3.F": correct problem from 12.048: data ignored if mixo<=-9e9 (or smix<=0.)
                  because O2 data can be negative
       * "mask.f90": new filter "DiffD" for differentiation in time domain
                     (to avoid trouble from cyclic link between start and end when differentiating in Fourier domain)

12.048 * "tm3.F": ignore all data values with mixo<=0. or smix<=0.
         (meant to allow data points where not all species have a measured value)

12.047 * extra constraints: re-define `apriflux' and `shape':
            apriflux --> -apriflux
            shape    --> 1/shape
       * "integrate.f90": also calculate a-post values of extra constraints

12.046 * "tmodel_tm3.f90": No transport model run if zero flux to atmosphere
         (for minimization of extra constraints only)
       * "integrate.f90": replace `xor' by `neqv' (to be standard conformant)

12.045 * "Diff....???s" filters: unaccuracy in derivative of trend

12.044 * correct bug in `add_extra': negative for diff==.false.

12.043 * correct bug in `tsfilter': negative trend for "Diff....???s" filters

12.042 * changes in real type handling (intended to enable full double precision run),
         but not yet finished

12.041 * "aux.f90": pland: cut very small land or ocean fractions (below 0.0001)
                    to avoid numerical trouble (might slightly change results!)

12.040 * implementation of extra constraints (CT_extra components)

12.039 * prepared implementation of extra constraints
       * compiler flags only to be set in "Compile" and "CompileTM3" (not any more in "run_inv")

12.038 * "model.f90": For CT_drv components, change of units convention (no unit change in fluxmodel)
       * "mask.f90": Filter: added options for treatment of linear trend (4th letter)

12.037 * "priors.f90": `priorFile' or `shapeFile' can be '#' to leave `apriflux' or `shape' untouched - assuming
                       they are set in `get_shape_special' or `get_apriflux_special'

12.036 * `read_prior': add fake records within last year (from last year + trend) if missing in input file
         (only in multi-year inversions assuming that last year is spin-down only)
       * "tm3.F": corrected bug in calls to write out 3D fields
       * integrate: corrected new bug in integrating PRI
       * "tmodel_tm3.f90": totflux and ad_totflux are deleted after run (to save unnecessary disk usage)

12.035 * "tm3.F":
         - option to output surface mixing ratio, wind speed, pressure (if ninstsfc>0)
         - use "tm3io_mix_yearly_netCDF.f" (yearly NetCDF 3D mixing ratio output)
       * "tmodel_tm3.f90", "integrate.f90", "nr.frprmn.f90": add `ninstsfc'

12.034 * parameter files can now contain subroutines for parameter manipulations
       * "model.f90": prepared derived flux components and extra constraints
       * parameters for grid definitions now in separate files "grid_*.f90"

12.033 * "priors.f90": corrections for flux model for STILT application:
         - get_regions_Grid03: Generic code to generate regular regions for all non-TM3 grids
         - get_dist: Distance of grid cells calculated from `lat' and `lon'
                     (for TM3 grid, the old code has been kept for backward compatibility)

12.032 * "nr.frprmn.f90": add test option to replace conjucate h directions by vectors along the parameters
                          (setting `h_along_params' in "")

12.031 * test time for RHS can now be chosen (`time_rhs')
       * "nr.frprmn.f90": do fwd transport run for each RHS (to get info about which data signals created flux feature)
       * "nr.frprmn.f90": additional convergence criterion: iter>m (prevent more iterations than degrees of freedom)
       * "nr.frprmn.f90": output k as column 10 of "*chi_it.d"
       * integrate: NetCDF output set as default (but ASCII "*.d2" output still possible)
       * integrate: option to output gridded time-filtered fluxes as NetCDF file
       * integrate: option to set mu='PRI' for integrating prior in NetCDF file
       * integrate: `timemask' can now contain both temporal filter and time mask
       * compilation: less optimization (vsafe rather than vopt)
                      to avoid occasional "Bus error" and numerical inaccuracy

12.030 * "aux.f90": Reading-in of flux files: implement filter '-LT' (subtract long-term mean)

12.029 * add capability for NetCDF output of filtered/aggregated flux time series

12.028 * "priors.f90": shape can be proportional to the difference between 2 files
         syntax for `shapefile(iproc)': "-  "

12.027 prepare coupling to regional models (STILT)
       * "aux.f90", "run_inv": generalize grid description

12.026 * "priors.f90": write diagnostic messages about filtered spectra of the components
                       (to be used to judge the relation of the a-priori sigmas between the component)
       * "io.f90": add attributes etc. to make NetCDF output CF-1.1 conformable

12.025 * init_rhs: regionset_rhs=='' or timemask_rhs =='' means that no r.h.s. are created
       * remove manipulations specific to TM3 grid (polar rows) - replaced by setting according to where dxyp==0
       * rename "Run_tdep.iter" --> "Run_inv" and "src/run_tdep.iter" --> "src/run_inv"
       * integrate: NetCDF output name: "*adjustflux*" --> "*apostflux*"

12.024 * options to manipulate flux model:
         - cut-out apriflux, shape, regions, and exts (for test of nesting scheme only)
         - additional multiplicative factors `shapeFact' of adjustable terms (per component)
       * "correl_mp.f90": Ferret commands:
         - no interpolation for correlation plot
         - fixed color scale for normalization plots

12.023 * "aux.f90": read_flux: if only one-year inversion, then no error message `climatolog. data'
       * new datamaode -D-: as -R- but not switching to `diff' - keep using priors
       * always read cutout files from CUTOUT dir
       * "integrate.f90": add possibility to output binary files convolved with time masks (e.g. 'JJA', not only filtere

12.022 sgm/rgm: subtract long-term mean difference for sgm, and add the corresponding difference for rgm

12.021 data reading:
       - add possibility to subtract external global mean file
       - moved adjustment of minutes in .ts file into `read_line' - might affect a few values near itaui or itaue

12.020 Add capability to manipulate station list:
       `msite': site to be removed from station list
       `psite': site to be added instead (`msite' needs to be set then)
       `osite': all sites except for this one are set to zero (automatically sets difference=.true.)

12.019 "priors.f90" (get_extt): add possibility to specify Fourier series with mean (by setting
       3rd filter letter of `exttFilter' to "x" - a letter " " still means the previous default 'no mean'
       [as does letter "a"] for backward compatibility)

12.018 "mask.f90" (tsfilter): extend filter syntax (e.g. "Filt2.0gd-2001-2005"):
       can specify beginning and end years of an interval over which long-term mean and
       mean seasonal cycle is calculated --> to avoid period dependence when comparing inversion runs
       of different lengths

12.017 add capability for n-sigma criterion:
       * conc. time series from fwd runs now contain unweighted sigma (data densitt weighting undone;
         in "input/" sigma is still weighted)
       * reading-in of conc data: option to read selected data, add new parameter `nsigma'

12.016 add capability for nesting:
       * forward runs possible with cut-out (step 1)
       * reading-in of conc data: option to read residual (obs-model) from previous run

12.015 * integrate: add `name_stationlist' as parameter available for TM3 forward runs

12.014 * TM3 fwd runs:
         - 3D output fields now split into yearly files
         - can set `ninststn' on integration for regular time series output

12.013 * parameters: new parameter `priorMaskoutReg' for masking out priors read in from files

12.012 * move "run_tdep.iter" to "src/", move "parameters.*.F" to start directory,
         in order to separate fixed code from application-dependent code
       * integrate: optional output of fluxes as NetCDF file
         (with possibility to taper specified components)
       * "priors.f": add `ini1' time extension: one flux pulse at first time step (not during first half year)
       * parameters: add `enhance_sigma' (factor to increase data sigmas within first year,
                     meant to allow initial concentration to establish itself with less force
                     on fluxes

12.011 * read_prior: correct calculation of spectral power ( missing factor 1/sqrt(2) )
                        (should not affect inversion results due to scaling of global sigma in all cases)
                     skip `reimbursement' of the seasonal components in SD and power calculation
       * geomtry: TM3 specific polar cells for `smask_NH20' etc.
       * "parameters.*.FwdFile_quere7*.F": Read yrfi to yrfe only to get power calculation only for used period

12.010 * read_prior: allow deseasonalization for "Filt..."

12.009 * switch prepro path to "/scr/24/mj0143/TM3/prepro/"
       * ""tmodel_tm3.f90": `ninststn=21600' if `fwd_only'
       * "model.f90": suppress writing/reading of `shape' if `fwd_only' (to save disk space)

12.008 * further implement multi-species (successsfully tested with "co2+o2"):
         - c0
         - integrate: multi-species output

12.007 * partially implement multi-species capability
       * "tmodel_tm3"/"tm3": unique file names of "totflux" again (jobid-dependent, for simultaneous integration jobs)

12.006 * integrate: pass parameters `ninst' and `idatet' to TM3 for writing of 3D concentration fields
       * integrate: parameter `out_binary_tot' for writing totals
       * "tm3.F", "tmodel_tm3.f90": remove `fluxdir'

12.005 * new internal variable `fluxext'
       * write a-priori flux, shape, and inversion update as individual components
         (saving disk space, and for access to inversion update for later forward runs)

12.004 * implement `Tmol2unitf', `unitf' (needs loops over species)
       * parameters: add `spec3Scale', `spec4Scale'; internally use new variable `specScale'
       * new internal variable `dtau' (=itau(itime+1)-itau(itime))
       * read_prior: direct output (Filter=='') now possible for shorter time steps in input file than that
                     of inversion (flux is summed up within inversion interval then)

12.003 * init_rhs: selection of groups of components into individual RHS's now done according to `RHSgroup'
                   for co2: seasonal components not added to variability group any more (omitted instead)
       * read_prior: 3 do-loops parallelized

12.002 * integrate: filter set via `timemask' (remove `intFilter', script written by "nr.frprmn.f90" accordingly)
       * parameters: conc. sigmas now defined in separate file "parameters...conc.F"
       * parameters: remove `diu', `diudir'
       * read_prior: implement "-Filt*" filters, and "Filt*..a" (anomalies) for all filter types

       * "tm3.F": fluxes read-in in one piece
         - solve problem with reading-in of fluxes by TM3: had been systematically 1 record too late
         - more efficient (only slight effect)
       * init_input: only read data within TM3 running period
         (this changed symmetry index back from ~1e-4 to ~1e-7)
       * init_input: handle dates correctly (e.g. minute<0 for hourly mean)
       * "tm3.F": linearly interpolate modelled conc. in time between model time steps
         (test: shift of time of data points by 3 hours in either fwd. or adj. increases symmetry index by factor 1000
          - this indicates that interpolation is identical in fwd. and adj.)

       CHANGES THAT REQUIRE MODIFICATIONS TO "parameter.*.*.F" file:
       * switch between sensitivity set-ups via CPP functionality:
         put #if clauses in standard file, include standard file from sensitivity files
       * parameters: remove `priordir2' (is same as `priordir')
       * prepare multi-species parameters (for later implementation)
         - species-specific parameters in extra file "parameters..f"
         - additional parameters `spec*Scale' linking components to species
         - add `nspec' (not yet used)
       * parameters, integrate: replace `subtr' by `OT' (more flexible, taper not yet implemented)
       * introduce parameters `RHSgroup' for later implementation of grouping in sigma calculation
       * specification of file reading parameters (prior, shape) by filter string
            out_ave    --> 'LT'
            out_dummy  --> '/'
            out_MSC    --> 'Filt7.0Tm' etc. according to `priorFreql' and `priorWgt'
            out_IAV    --> 'Filt7.0T'                   - " -
            out_seas   --> 'SD6.0Tm' etc. according to `shapeFreql' and `shapeWgt'
         "aux.f90": `read_prior' has now string argument `Filter' determining kind of output as well as filter
         (internally just translated into old arguments - no change in actual code yet)
       * name change `apfact' --> `priorScale'
       * added capability to scale components according to global sigmas (set by `shapeScale')
         introduce `shapeScale_timemask' and `shapeScale_region' determining scales of normalization of component
            long-term comp.       --> 'sqrt_T'
            seasonal comp.        --> 'asis1', 'Filt2.0g', etc.
            non-seasonal comp.    --> 'triangular1', 'Filt2.0g', 'Filt2.0gd', etc.
            initialization comp.  --> 'firstyear'
         values of `shapeScale' found from "sigmas.*.out" files of previous run with code
       * remove `shapeScaleTr'
       * remove `apftst', `tscale'
       * priors: specification of temporal correlations (`extt') via string `exttFilter'
            extt_ave     --> 'LT'
            extt_seas    --> 'Filt12.0Tm' etc.
            extt_nonseas --> 'Filt12.0Td' etc.
            extt_fourier --> 'Filt12.0T' etc.
            extt_const   --> '1'
            extt_ini02   --> 'ini02'
       * priors: remove filtered normalization of extt (remove `normFreql/h', `normWgt')
         (not needed any more due to normalization of components by global contraints)
       * remove `monthly_conc' (had been unused)

       * "run_tdep.iter" calls "run_tdep.user" containing all user-specific settings
       * remove `p_ih'
       * `tsfilter': only string argument for filter type (replacing Freql and code)
         - in `get_tmask', any filter is possible now for creating test integration pattern
         - in "integrate", filter is given as string `intFilter'="FiltXXXxx" (`intFreq' removed)
         - high-pass filter possible by "-FiltXXXxx"
       * reduces disk space needs:
         - avoid TOT*b
         - avoid SEAS*b, etc.
         - output of binary in "intergrate.f90" only if requested (`out_binary')
         - writing of "" moved to "correl_mp.f90" (--> only done on request)
           store `region'/`regionc' in "fluxmodel.b" (for correct writing into "" by "correl_mp")
           (still not fully tested!)
       * init_input: skip writing of "input.old/"


11.213 added NetCDF output of fluxes

11.212 added capability to do forward TM3 runs in `integrate' with alternative station sets
       (to be specified through `inputTag')
       [involves shift of `init_input' to module `tmodel']

11.211 added capability to do syntheic runs directly, but subtracting known truth

11.210 * undo change from 11.205 to 11.206
         (fixed terms not any more set to zero if do_subtract_gm,
         because this is not appropriate: subtracting the global mean from the data does not change
         implied spatial gradients, therefore it is still correct to have fixed terms that are
         constant in time [which is the case for co2 and apo standard set-ups])
       * correct bug introduced in 11.209: Save a-post state again because needed in `finish_rhs'

11.209 never save any states any more (in order to save disk space)
       therefore always recompute state in integrate.f90
       init_rhs: write output into separate logfile
       integrate.f90: Print parameter values for all one-parameter components

11.208 integrate.f90: slight change in order of reading-in: avoid reading of flux model if just integrating prior

11.207 prepare reading-in of data from several station lists (for forward runs),
       but not yet fully implemented.
       file "stations.coords.d" now has name "input.coords.d"

11.206 priors: set fixed terms to zero if do_subtract_gm
       [[ ATTENTION: will be undone in 11.210 ]]

11.205 init_c0: set zero c0 if do_subtract_gm
       mask.f90, integrate.f90: added timemasks for seasonal sums ('JJA' etc.)

11.204 integrate.f90: added options to integrate or flatten shape

11.203 tm3.F: Corrected bug: Negative height in data files now interpreted as altitude above ground

11.202 init_rhs: Skip entries if zero response
       "parameters.apo.Std07.F": integrate_region = '3Bands' (previously: 'AggregOcean04')

11.201 writing out shapes as binaries

11.200 "io.f90": Add NetCDF attributes
       units = degrees_north (degrees_east)
       point_spacing = even
       to lon and lat variables, for correct plotting in Ferret

11.199 mode_flux restartable (changes in main program)

11.198 init_input, tm3: I/O of concentration data using binary direct-access files
                        for CPU performance
       INFO: not bit-identical to 11.197
       "stations.coords.d": full site name (as in input file names)
                            warning coords -999. etc only if differences larger than threshold

11.197 integrate: change order of statements for influxfile = '....'

11.196 save_state_index

11.195 change in first iteration for each new RHS:
       go along b (made conjugate) - do not need b as initial guess any more

11.194 tm3 fine grid executable called tm3_fg,
       option _vfg

11.193 idatee = (/ yrfe  ,12,31, 0, 0, 0 /)
       (to avoid loading of next TM3 prepro year)

11.192a mnzt smaller than ntimef by parameter fmnzt
       read_prior: skip zero harmonics

11.192 define im_cg,jm_cg in script (to prepare _vfg)
       unit of "totflux*.b" changed into Tmol/grid/s
       (to allow 3-hourly time step - remove setting idate to monthly/daily/hourly in get_calendar)

11.191 variable end date (idatee) of TM3 run

11.154 correction of h right after it was calculated - now also corrected h
       in state files (before uncorrected - wrong for integrate
       and if reloaded)

11.153ll2  redefine A (and thus chi2): factor 2

11.150 Normalization of extt for extt_tri corrected