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Konferenzbeitrag (84)

Raessler, M.; Wissuwa, B.; Breul, A.; Unger, W.; Grimm, T.: A new, fast and reliable method for the determination of non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) including inulin, in plant samples by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection. Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Chromatography, September 21 - 25, 2008, Münster, Germany., (2008)
Unger, W.; Raessler, M.: Determination of iron in a complex protein-bearing matrix by GF-AAS and ICP-OES - a comparison. Proceedings of ESAS '08: European Symposium on Atomic Spectrometry, September 29th - October 1st, 2008, Weimar, Germany., (2008)
Brand, W. A.; Rothe, M.; Richter, J.: Relating Air-CO2 Isotope Ratio Determinations to VPDB using Calcite-CO2 Mixed into CO2-free Air. Proceedings of the 13th IAEA/WMO meeting of CO2 experts, Boulder, Sept. 2005, Boulder., (2007)
Krause, R.: Development of a very flexible web based database system for environmental research. In: The 21st International Conference on "Informatics for Environmental Protection". The 21st International Conference on "Informatics for Environmental Protection" - EnviroInfo Warsaw 2007, Warsaw. (2007)
Mukai, H.; Nakazawa, T.; Brand, W. A.; Huang, L.; Levin, I.; Allison, C.; White, J.; Leuenberger, M.; Assonov, S. S.: About disagreements in inter-comparison activities of isotope ratio measurements for CO2. Proceedings of the 13th IAEA/WMO meeting of CO2 experts, Boulder, Sept. 2005., (2007)
Raessler, M.: Determination of carbohydrates and sugar alcohols in plant extracts using HPAEC-PAD - method development and optimization. In: Proceedings of the 234th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. Proceedings of the 234th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, August 19 - 23, 2007, Boston, USA. (2007)
Raessler, M.: Bestimmung von Kohlenhydraten und Zuckeralkoholen in Pflanzen-extrakten mittels HPAEC-PAD - Methodenentwicklung und -optimierung. Proceedings of the 4th Conference über Ionenanalyse (CIA), March 12 - 14, 2007, Berlin, Germany., (2007)
Raessler, M.; Lober, K.; Lenz, A.: Fast and reliable determination of trace concen-trations of Ti and Zr in soil samples. Proceedings of the 234th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, August 19 - 23, 2007, Boston, USA., (2007)
Bisutti, I.; Hilke, I.; Schumacher, J.; Raessler, M.: Simultaneous determination of organic and ionorganic carbon by a new dual temperature combustion (DTC) method. 34th International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry, June 4 – 8, 2006, Hamburg, Germany., (2006)
Raessler, M.; Lober, K.; Lenz, A.: Fast and reliable determination of trace concentrations of Ti and Zr in soil samples. 34th International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Hamburg, Germany., (2006)
Wutzler, T.; Sarjoughian, H.: Simulation interoperability across parallel DEVS models expressed in multiple programming languages. In: DEVS Integrative MANDS Symposium (DEVS'06). DEVS Integrative MANDS Symposium (DEVS'06), Huntsville, USA. (2006)
Freibauer, A.; Schrumpf, M.: Ergebnisse aus dem EU-Projekt CarboEurope zu Fragen der standortgerechten Bodennutzung und des Klimaschutzes. In: UBA-Workshop: Klimaänderungen - Herausforderungen für den Bodenschutz. UBA-Workshop: Klimaänderungen - Herausforderungen für den Bodenschutz am 28. und 29. September 2005, Dessau. (2005)
Hilke, I.; Bisutti, I. L.; Raessler, M.: Recent methods for determination of organic and inorganic carbon. In: The Role of Long-term Field Experiments in Agricultural and Ecological Sciences & practical solutions for managing optimum C and N content in agricultural soils III:. International conference 2005, held in Prague, Prague, 22. Juni 2005 - 24. Juni 2005. (2005)
Knorr, W.; Gobron, N.; Scholze, M.; Rayner, P.; Kaminski, T.; Giering, R.; Widmann, H.; Kattge, J.: Carbon and fAPAR assimilation within CCDAS. In: Proceedings of ECMWF/ELDAS Workshop on Land Surface Assimilation. Proceedings of ECMWF/ELDAS Workshop on Land Surface Assimilation, 8-11 November 2004. (2005)
Krause, R.: Development of a very flexible web based database system for environmental research. In: Informatics for Environmental Protection. Informatics for Environmental Protection - EnviroInfo Brno 2005, Brno. (2005)
Raessler, M.; Hilke, I.: Ion-chromatographic determination of small concentrations of nitrate in solutions of high salinity. 3. Conference über Ionenanalyse (CIA), Apr. 06 – 08, 2005., Berlin, Germany., (2005)
Raessler, M.; Hilke, I.: Ion-chromatographic determination of trace concentrations of nitrate in solutions of high salinity. 29th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques, June 26 – 30, 2005, Stockholm, Sweden., (2005)
Freibauer, A.; Mulligan, D.; Smith, P.: Importance of agricultural soils for the European GHG budget. International Conference Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture - Mitigation Options and Strategies, Leipzig, Germany, 10-12 February 2004., (2004)
Freibauer, A.; Schulze, E. D.: Effizienz von Kohlenstoffsenken unter dem Aspekt des Klimaschutzes. In: Fachtagung "Auf Holzwegen in die Zukunft - eine Option für den Klimaschutz". Fachtagung "Auf Holzwegen in die Zukunft - eine Option für den Klimaschutz", Kloster Nimbschen, June 22-23, 2004. (2004)
Hilke, I.; Rothe, J.; Mund, M.; Raessler, M.: Quantification of organic carbon in soils containing carbonates - a comparison of two contrasting analytical approaches. In: Practical Solutions for Managing Optimum C and N Content in Agricultural Soils II. Practical Solutions for Managing Optimum C and N Content in Agricultural Soils II, Prague. (2003)
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