Publications Magnus Wendeberg:

(Please note that I changed my name after marriage from Eek to Wendeberg)

  1. Magnus Wendeberg, Jürgen M. Richter, Michael Rothe, and Willi A. Brand, δ18O Anchoring to VPDB: Calcite Digestion with 18O-adjusted ortho-Phosphoric Acid, Rapid Comm. Mass Spectrom. 2011, 25, 851-860
  2. L. Huang, A. Chivulescu, C. Allison, G. Brailsford, W. A. Brand, M. Wendeberg, A. Bollenbacher, R. Keeling, I. Levin, M. Sabasch, M. Leuenberger, H. Mukai, T. Nakazawa, S. Aoki, R. Neubert, A. Aerts-Bijma, M. Verkouteren, J. White, B. Vaughn, S. Michel, L. Zhou, L.X. Liu, A Report of δ13C & δ18O Measurements in NBS 19 and NBS 18 pure CO2: Uncertainty in Traceability of CO2 Isotope Measurements, Proceedings of the 15th IAEA/WMO meeting of CO2 experts, Jena, Sept. 2009, WMO-GAW Report 194, ed. A. Jordan and W.A. Brand (2011) 169-175 (
  3. Magnus Wendeberg, Juergen M. Richter, Michael Rothe, and Willi A. Brand, JRAS isotope reference: A generalized VPDB scale anchor for CO2 in air?, Proceedings of the 15th IAEA/WMO meeting of CO2 experts, Jena, Sept. 2009, WMO-GAW Report 194, ed. A. Jordan and W.A. Brand (2011) 180-185 (
  4. Wendeberg M. and W. A. Brand. The principles and characteristics of the IRMS instrument. Encyclopedia of Mass Spectrometry – Volume 5, ed. Diane Beauchemin and Dwight E. Matthews, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2010 pp 739-748
  5. Eek K. M., Sessions A. L. and D. P. Lies, Carbon-isotopic analysis of microbial cells sorted by flow cytometry. Geobiology 5, 2007, pp 85-95
  6. Johannessen, S. C., Macdonald R. W. and K. M. Eek., Mercury as a tracer of sediment mixing, particle transport and contamination history in the Strait of Georgia. Environmental Science and Technology, Environmental Science and Technology, 39 (12), 2005, pp 4361-4368,
  7. Whiticar M. J. and K. M. Eek, Challenges of 13C/12C measurements by CF-IRMS of biogeochemical samples at sub-nanomolar levels, in IAEA-TECDOC-1247, “New approaches for stable isotope ratio measurements”, October 2001, pp 75-95
  8. Eek M. K., Whiticar M. J., Bishop J. K. B., and CS Wong, Influence of nutrients on carbon isotope fractionation by natural populations of Prymnesiophyte algae in NE Pacific, Deep-Sea Research II 46, 1999, pp 2863-2876
  9. Harris S. A., Whiticar M. J. and M. K. Eek, Molecular and isotopic analysis of oils by solid phase microextraction of gasoline range hydrocarbons, Organic Geochemistry 30, 1999, pp 721-737
  10. Andersson B., Eek M. and Å. Wrammerfors, The effect of carbonaceous deposits on activity and selectivity in hydrogenation of an unsaturated aldehyde, in: Bartholomew C. H. and Butt J. B. (Eds.), Catalyst Deactivation 1991, pp 161-167.