Main Focus

  • Data Curation
  • Terrestrial LiDAR & GIS application
  • Data analyses and synthesis
  • Plant-water-interactions

Curriculum Vitae

01/2018 - present
ATTO Data Management at the Department of Biogeochemical Processes, MPI for Biogeochemistry Jena

04/2016 - present
Geospatial Analyst in the Landscape Processes group at the Department of Biogeochemical Processes, MPI for Biogeochemistry Jena

07/2015 - 03/2016
Data manager of the Jena Experiment at the Chair for Terrestrial Ecology, Department of Ecology and Ecosystemmanagement, Technische Universität München

Doctoral degree - Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena, Germany. Thesis: "Towards understanding belowground resources acquisition: Applying data driven methods for deriving root water uptake profiles in grasslands of different diversity"

02/2015 - 05/2015
Training course as Specialist (CCI) for Geographic Information Systems (GIS), codematix GmbH Jena

02/2013 - 04/2013
Research stay at the CNRS Ecotron, Montpellier, France. - Funded by ExpeER Ecosystem Research

07/2010 - 06/2015
Research associate and PhD student at the Department of Ecological Modeling, Institute of Geosciences, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena

04/2010 - 06/2010
Research assistant at the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, University of Technology Dresden

10/2004 - 03/2010
Diploma of Hydrology, University of Technology, Dresden, Germany. Thesis: "Untersuchung zu einer adaptiven Bewässerungssteuerung für ein von Regen beeinflusstes Weizenfeld"

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