Main Focus
Application of accelerator mass spectrometry measurements of 14C to problems in ecology, soil biogeochemistry and terrestri Use of isotopes and tracers to study the exchange of energy, water and greenhouse gases between terrestrial ecosystems, especially tropical forests and theatmosphere.
Curriculum Vitae
B.S. Geology, University of Delaware, USA (1981)
M.Sc.(1983) and M. Phil. (1985) and PhD (1989) in Geochemistry, Columbia University, New York, USA
Positions Held
Director, Department of Biogeochemical Processes, MPI-BGC, Jena. (2009 -
Honorary Professor, Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences, FSU (2013-
Professor, Dept Earth System Science, University of California Irvine, USA (1991 -) (currently
Postdoctoral researcher, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, CA, USA 1989–1991
Posdoctoral researcher, Columbia University and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich,Switzerland (1987-1989)