Publications of Ulrike Stahl
All genres
Journal Article (5)
Journal Article
105 (2), pp. 298 - 309 (2017)
Towards a thesaurus of plant characteristics: an ecological contribution. Journal of Ecology 2.
Journal Article
2 (3), 16024 (2016)
Monitoring plant functional diversity from space. Nature Plants 3.
Journal Article
11 (2), e0148607 (2016)
Functional resilience against climate-driven extinctions - comparing the functional diversity of European and North American tree floras. PLoS One 4.
Journal Article
111 (38), pp. 13739 - 13744 (2014)
Predicting species range limits from functional traits for the tree flora of North America. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 5.
Journal Article
4 (10), 128 (2013)
Whole-plant trait spectra of North American woody plant species reflect fundamental ecological strategies. Ecosphere Conference Paper (1)
Conference Paper
8574, pp. 50 - 57 (Eds. Galhardas, H.; Rahm, E.). Springer (2014)
A semantic web faceted search system for facilitating building of biodiversity and ecosystems services. In: Data Integration in the Life Sciences, 10th International Conference, Vol.