Radiocarbon in Ecology and Earth System Science 2024


July 1, 2, 3 and 8, 2024

Susan Trumbore,  Axel Steinhof and Carlos Sierra
Links for lecture notes, exercises and other things used in class


Reading:  Radiocarbon and Climate Change

This book was produced from previous versions of this course, originated by EAG Schuur, Susan Trumbore, Ellen RM Druffel and Xiaomei Xu - you can download for free through the MPG/Springer DEAL

Lecture Notes

  • Day 1 - Introduction (Trumbore)
  • Day 1 -     (Steinhof)
  • Day 2 - Atmosphere and Ocean radiocarbon
  • Day 2 -   (Steinhof)
  • Day 3 - Terrestrial systems (Trumbore)
  • Day 4    (Sierra)


Problem # Details
Row 1 ...
Row 2 ...
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