Luftgetragene Spurengasmessungen und mesoskalige Modellierung (ATM)


Zeitschriftenartikel (154)

Munassar, S.; Rödenbeck, C.; Galkowski, M.; Koch, F.-T.; Totsche, K. U.; Botia, S.; Gerbig, C.: To what extent does the CO2 diurnal cycle impact flux estimates derived from global and regional inversions? Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 25 (1), S. 639 - 656 (2025)
Karbasi, S.; Abdi, A. H.; Malakooti, H.; Orza, J. A. G.: Atmospheric CO2 column concentration over Iran: Emissions, GOSAT satellite observations, and WRF-GHG model simulations. Atmospheric Research 314, 107818 (2024)
Ho, D.; Galkowski, M.; Reum, F.; Botia, S.; Marshall, J.; Totsche, K. U.; Gerbig, C.: Recommended coupling to global meteorological fields for long-term tracer simulations with WRF-GHG. Geoscientific Model Development 17 (20), S. 7401 - 7422 (2024)
Lauerwald, R.; Bastos, A.; McGrath, M. J.; Petrescu, A.-M.-R.; Ritter, F.; Andrew, R. M.; Berchet, A.; Broquet, G.; Brunner, D.; Chevallier, F. et al.; Cescatti, A.; Filipek, S.; Fortems-Cheiney, A.; Forzieri, G.; Friedlingstein, P.; Fuchs, R.; Gerbig, C.; Houweling, S.; Ke, P.; Lerink, B. J. W.; Li, W.; Li, W.; Li, X.; Luijkx, I. T.; Monteil, G.; Munassar, S.; Nabuurs, G.-J.; Patra, P. K.; Peylin, P.; Pongratz, J.; Regnier, P.; Saunois, M.; Schelhaas, M.-J.; Scholze, M.; Sitch, S.; Thompson, R. L.; Tian, H.; Tsuruta, A.; Wilson, C.; Wigneron, J.-P.; Yao, Y.; Zaehle, S.; Ciais, P.: Carbon and greenhouse gas budgets of Europe: trends, interannual and spatial variability, and their drivers. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 38 (8), e2024GB008141 (2024)
Maier, F.; Rödenbeck, C.; Levin, I.; Gerbig, C.; Gachkivskyi, M.; Hammer, S.: Potential of 14C-based vs. deltaCO-based deltaffCO2 observations to estimate urban fossil fuel CO2 (ffCO2) emissions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 24 (14), S. 8183 - 8203 (2024)
Thilakan, V.; Pillai, D.; Sukumaran, J.; Gerbig, C.; Hakkim, H.; Sinha, V.; Terao, Y.; Naja, M.; Deshpande, M. V.: Potential of using CO2 observations over India in a regional carbon budget estimation by improving the modelling system. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 24 (9), S. 5315 - 5335 (2024)
Rödenbeck, C.; Adcock, K. E.; Eritt, M.; Gachkivskyi, M.; Gerbig, C.; Hammer, S.; Jordan, A.; Keeling, R. F.; Levin, I.; Maier, F. et al.; Manning, A. C.; Moossen, H.; Munassar, S.; Pickers, P. A.; Rothe, M.; Tohjima, Y.; Zaehle, S.: The suitability of atmospheric oxygen measurements to constrain western European fossil-fuel CO2 emissions and their trends. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 23 (24), S. 15767 - 15782 (2023)
Fiehn, A.; Eckl, M.; Kostinek, J.; Galkowski, M.; Gerbig, C.; Rothe, mich, M.; Röckmann, T.; Menoud, M.; Maazallahi, H.; Schmidt, M. et al.; Korbeń, P.; Neçki, J.; Stanisavljević, M.; Swolkień, J.; Fix, A.; Roiger, A.: Source apportionment of methane emissions from the Upper Silesian Coal Basin using isotopic signatures. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 23 (24), S. 15749 - 15765 (2023)
Zhao, X.; Chen, J.; Marshall, J.; Galkowski, M.; Hachinger, S.; Dietrich, F.; Shekhar, A.; Gensheimer, J.; Wenzel, A.; Gerbig, C.: Understanding greenhouse gas (GHG) column concentrations in Munich using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 23 (22), S. 14325 - 14347 (2023)
van der Woude, A. M.; Peters, W.; Joetzjer, E.; Lafont, S.; Koren, G.; Ciais, P.; Ramonet, M.; Xu, Y.; Bastos, A.; Botia, S. et al.; Sitch, S.; de Kok, R.; Kneuer, T.; Kubistin, D.; Jacotot, A.; Loubet, B.; Herig-Coimbra, P.-H.; Luijkx, D. L. I. T.: Temperature extremes of 2022 reduced carbon uptake by forests in Europe. Nature Communications 14, 6218 (2023)
McGrath, M. J.; Petrescu, A. M. R.; Peylin, P.; Andrew, R. M.; Matthews, B.; Dentener, F.; Balkovič, J.; Bastrikov, V.; Becker, M.; Broquet, G. et al.; Ciais, P.; Fortems-Cheiney, A.; Ganzenmüller, R.; Grassi, G.; Harris, I.; Jones, M.; Knauer, J.; Kuhnert, M.; Monteil, G.; Munassar, S.; Palmer, P. I.; Peters, G. P.; Qiu, C.; Schelhaas, M.-J.; Tarasova, O.; Vizzarri, M.; Winkler, K.; Balsamo, G.; Berchet, A.; Briggs, P.; Brockmann, P.; Chevallier, F.; Conchedda, G.; Crippa, M.; Dellaert, S. N. C.; Denier Van Der Gon, H. A. C.; Filipek, S.; Friedlingstein, P.; Fuchs, R.; Gauss, M.; Gerbig, C.; Guizzardi, D.; Günther, D.; Houghton, R. A.; Janssens-Maenhout, G.; Lauerwald, R.; Lerink, B.; Luijkx, I. T.; Moulas, G.; Muntean, M.; Nabuurs, G.-J.; Paquirissamy, A.; Perugini, L.; Peters, W.; Pilli, R.; Pongratz, J.; Regnier, P.; Scholze, M.; Serengil, Y.; Smith, P.; Solazzo, E.; Thompson, R. L.; Tubiello, F. N.; Vesala, T.; Walther, S.: The consolidated European synthesis of CO2 emissions and removals for the European Union and United Kingdom: 1990-2020. Earth System Science Data 15 (10), S. 4295 - 4370 (2023)
Alves, E. G.; Santana, R. A.; Dias-Júnior, C. Q.; Botia, S.; Taylor, T.; Yáñez-Serrano, A. M.; Kesselmeier, J.; Bourtsoukidis, E.; Williams, J.; de Assis, P. I. L. S. et al.; Martins, G.; de Souza, R.; Júnior, S. D.; Guenther, A.; Gu, D.; Tsokankunku, A.; Sörgel, M.; Nelson, B.; Pinto, D.; Komiya, S.; Rosa, D. M.; Weber, B.; Barbosa, C.; Robin, M.; Feeley, K. J.; Duque, A.; Lemos, V. L.; Contreras, M. P.; Idarraga, A.; López, N.; Husby, C.; Jestrow, B.; Toro, I. M. C.: Intra- and interannual changes in isoprene emission from central Amazonia. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 23 (14), S. 8149 - 8168 (2023)
Tangarife-Escobar, A.; Koeniger, P.; Lopez-Moreno, J. I.; Botia, S.; Ceballos-Liévano, J. L.: Spatiotemporal variability of stable isotopes in precipitation and stream water in a high elevation tropical catchment in the Central Andes of Colombia. Hydrological Processes 37 (5), e14873 (2023)
de Arellano, J. V.-G.; Hartogensis, O.; Benedict, I.; de Boer, H.; Bosman, P. J. M.; Botia, S.; Cecchini, M. A.; Faassen, K. A. P.; González-Armas, R.; van Diepen, K. et al.; Heusinkveld, B. G.; Janssens, M.; Lobos-Roco, F.; Luijkx, I. T.; Machado, L. A. T.; Mangan, M. R.; Moene, A. F.; Mol, W. B.; van der Molen, M.; Moonen, R.; Ouwersloot, H. G.; Park, S.-W.; Pedruzo-Bagazgoitia, X.; Röckmann, T.; Adnew, G. A.; Ronda, R.; Sikma, M.; Schulte, R.; van Stratum, B. J. H.; Veerman, M. A.; van Zanten, M. C.; van Heerwaarden, C. C.: Advancing understanding of land–atmosphere interactions by breaking discipline and scale barriers. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1522 (1), S. 74 - 97 (2023)
Munassar, S.; Monteil, G.; Scholze, M.; Karstens, U.; Rödenbeck, C.; Koch, F.-T.; Totsche, K. U.; Gerbig, C.: Why do inverse models disagree? A case study with two European CO2 inversions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 23 (4), S. 2813 - 2828 (2023)
Brunner, D.; Kuhlmann, G.; Henne, S.; Koene, E.; Kern, B.; Wolff, S.; Voigt, C.; Jöckel, P.; Kiemle, C.; Roiger, A. et al.; Fiehn, A.; Krautwurst, S.; Gerilowski, K.; Bovensmann, H.; Borchardt, J.; Galkowski, M.; Gerbig, C.; Marshall, J.; Klonecki, A.; Prunet, P.; Hanfland, R.; Pattantyús-Ábrahám, M.; Wyszogrodzki, A.; Fix, A.: Evaluation of simulated CO2 power plant plumes from six high-resolution atmospheric transport models. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 23 (4), S. 2699 - 2728 (2023)
van der Woude, A. M.; de Kok, R.; Smith, N.; Luijkx, I. T.; Botia, S.; Karstens, U.; Kooijmans, L. M. J.; Koren, G.; Meijer, H.; Steeneveld, G.-J. et al.; Storm, I.; Super, I.; Scheeren, B. A.; Vermeulen, A.; Peters, W.: Near-real-time CO2 fluxes from CarbonTracker Europe for high-resolution atmospheric modeling. Earth System Science Data 15 (2), S. 579 - 605 (2023)
Swolkień, J.; Fix, A.; Galkowski, M.: Factors influencing the temporal variability of atmospheric methaneemissions from Upper Silesia coal mines: a case study from the CoMet mission. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 22 (24), S. 16031 - 16052 (2022)
Thilakan, V.; Pillai, D.; Gerbig, C.; Galkowski, M.; Ravi, A.; Mathew, T. A.: Towards monitoring the CO2 source–sink distribution over India via inverse modelling: quantifying the fine-scale spatiotemporal variability in the atmospheric CO2 mole fraction. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 22 (23), S. 15287 - 15312 (2022)
Konduracka, E.; Krawczyk, K.; Surmiak, M.; Pudełek, M.; Malinowski, K. P.; Mastalerz, L.; Zimnoch, M.; Samek, L.; Styszko, K.; Furman, L. et al.; Galkowski, M.; Nessler, J.; Różański, K.; Sanak, M.: Monocyte exposure to fine particulate matter results in miRNA release: A link between air pollution and potential clinical complication. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 96, 103996 (2022)
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