Publikationen von Holger Metzler
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (10)
381 (2261), 20220200 (2023)
A decrease in the age of respired carbon from the terrestrial biosphere and increase in the asymmetry of its distribution. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London - Series A: Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 2.
19 (16), S. 3727 - 3738 (2022)
Ideas and perspectives: Allocation of carbon from net primary production in models is inconsistent with observations of the age of respired carbon. Biogeosciences 3.
27 (11), S. 2271 - 2271 (2021)
Stochastic and deterministic interpretation of pool models. Global Change Biology 4.
165, 15 (2021)
Closed-loop and congestion control of the global carbon climate system. Climatic Change 5.
18 (3), S. 1029 - 1048 (2021)
The climate benefit of carbon sequestration. Biogeosciences 6.
12 (1), e2019MS001776 (2020)
Mathematical reconstruction of land carbon models from their numerical output: computing soil radiocarbon from 12C dynamics. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 7.
10 (8), S. 1729 - 1734 (2018)
Representing and understanding the carbon cycle using the theory of compartmental dynamical systems. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 8.
115 (6), S. 1150 - 1155 (2018)
Transit-time and age distributions for nonlinear time-dependent compartmental systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 9.
50 (1), S. 1 - 34 (2018)
Linear autonomous compartmental models as continuous-time Markov chains: transit-time and age distributions. Mathematical Geosciences 10.
23 (5), S. 1763 - 1773 (2017)
The muddle of ages, turnover, transit, and residence times in the carbon cycle. Global Change Biology Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Compartmental systems as Markov chains: age, transit time, and entropy. Dissertation, 127 S., Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2020)
Preprint (1)
Information content and maximum entropy of compartmental systems in equilibrium. ArXiv (2023)