IMPRS workshop
'Data Visualisation: Principles and Applications'

1. General information

Time: January 28 - February 17, 2022
Place: webinar
Instructor: Dr. Rick Scavetta
Approximately timetable:

Preparatory work on January 28 - February 7 (1 hour, flexible time)
Online Lecture (2 hours) on February 8 and 10 at 10.30 - 12.30
30-minute 1 on 1 Mentoring on February 16 or 17 from 10.30 – 13.30 or 15.30 – 17.30

Category: Transferable skills
Credit points: 0.4
>> Data Visualisation 2021

The following information was prepared by Dr. Rick Scavetta

Who is the intended audience of this course?

  • Active research scientists, primarily in the life sciences
  • Doctoral candidates mid-way through their research project
  • Individuals who need to analyze their own data
  • Individuals with prior experience working with their own data in R

What will participants be able to do after this course?

  • Use data visualization as tool for performing statistics and communication
  • Create appropriate visualizations of their own data using the `{ggplot2}` in `R`
  • Identify the most common reasons why data visualizations fail and how to deal with them

What are the prerequisites?


  • Ability to use `R` to analyze your own data


  • An RStudio Cloud account
  • An installation of R and RStudio on your personal computer

For the group sessions

  • An example visualization to discuss in the first live session (no necessarily your own)

For the 1:1 session

  • Data from your own research project with a plan for how it should be analysed

2. Curriculum

Find more information on Rick's webpage

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding the Purposes of Data Visualization
  2. Design Basics
  3. Data Basics
  4. Using Design to Communicate
  5. Data and Design
  6. Geometries of Univariate Distributions
  7. Geometries of Multivariate Comparisons
  8. In `R`: Choosing Colors
  9. In `R`: The `{ggplot2}` 📦

3. Schedule

The course will run for approximately 1,5 - 2 weeks, depending on how the live sessions have been scheduled.

The course is divided into three phases:

Phase 1 - Independent Study - January 28 - February 7

You'll be granted access to the online course content about 1 week prior to our first scheduled group session. During this period you should review the course material and practice with the exercises. We suggest the you **set aside at least 1 hour a day** for learning. You can cover the content on Day 6 & Day 7 after Live Session #1

Phase 2 - Group Learning - February 8 and 10

There are 2 2-hour group sessions. We'll cover some of the basics but I'll also challenge you to apply your knowledge to some new exercises. Be sure to complete the exercises

Phase 3 - 1:1 Mentoring

Each participant will have a 30-minute 1:1 call with the instructor.

Detailed information is available on Rick's webpage.


4. Registration

Click here to register by January 24, 2022.

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