IMPRS workshop
'Data Visualisation: Principles and Applications'
1. General information
Time: January 28 - February 17, 2022
Place: webinar
Instructor: Dr. Rick Scavetta
Approximately timetable:
Category: Transferable skills
Credit points: 0.4
>> Data Visualisation 2021
The following information was prepared by Dr. Rick Scavetta
Who is the intended audience of this course?
- Active research scientists, primarily in the life sciences
- Doctoral candidates mid-way through their research project
- Individuals who need to analyze their own data
- Individuals with prior experience working with their own data in R
What will participants be able to do after this course?
- Use data visualization as tool for performing statistics and communication
- Create appropriate visualizations of their own data using the `{ggplot2}` in `R`
- Identify the most common reasons why data visualizations fail and how to deal with them
What are the prerequisites?
- Ability to use `R` to analyze your own data
- An RStudio Cloud account
- An installation of R and RStudio on your personal computer
For the group sessions
- An example visualization to discuss in the first live session (no necessarily your own)
For the 1:1 session
- Data from your own research project with a plan for how it should be analysed
2. Curriculum
Find more information on Rick's webpage
Table of Contents
- Understanding the Purposes of Data Visualization
- Design Basics
- Data Basics
- Using Design to Communicate
- Data and Design
- Geometries of Univariate Distributions
- Geometries of Multivariate Comparisons
- In `R`: Choosing Colors
- In `R`: The `{ggplot2}` 📦
3. Schedule
The course will run for approximately 1,5 - 2 weeks, depending on how the live sessions have been scheduled.
The course is divided into three phases:
Phase 1 - Independent Study - January 28 - February 7
You'll be granted access to the online course content about 1 week prior to our first scheduled group session. During this period you should review the course material and practice with the exercises. We suggest the you **set aside at least 1 hour a day** for learning. You can cover the content on Day 6 & Day 7 after Live Session #1
Phase 2 - Group Learning - February 8 and 10
There are 2 2-hour group sessions. We'll cover some of the basics but I'll also challenge you to apply your knowledge to some new exercises. Be sure to complete the exercises
Phase 3 - 1:1 Mentoring
Each participant will have a 30-minute 1:1 call with the instructor.
Detailed information is available on Rick's webpage.
4. Registration
Click here to register by January 24, 2022.