IMPRS course 'Ethical Acting in Science -
How does science work?' 2021
IMPRS course 'Ethical Acting in Science - How does science work?' 2021
1. General information
Date: September 23, 2021
Time: We will start at 9.00 am and end in the early afternoon.
Place: tbd
Category: Transferable skills
Credit points: 0.2
Lecturer: PD Dr Christian Forstner
2. Course description
Participants learn to understand science as a system of communication that satisfies specific norms in order to produce secure knowledge. This system of norms forms a Categorical Imperative, as a guideline for further action.
Based on their experiences, the seminar participants jointly develop a mission statement that describes how science should ideally function. This ideal image serves as a basis for drafting guidelines for action for (young) scientists and for asking about the ethical basis of our actions as scientists. Subsequently, the participants critically examine this ideal image and analyze how science functions in today's society on the basis of the following questions: What are the norm violations and how does the system of science react to them? How does the system of science act between politics, economy and the public?
3. COVID-19
Due to the current uncertainty, we plan to have a webinar with 12 participants. If things change in the meantime and we will be able to have a safe an in-person lecture, 16 people can participate. We will keep you posted on the developments.