6-year prolongation for our successful research school
Our doctoral researcher during the 2013 IMPRS retreat in Weimar (photo by www.jfk-photography.de)
Based on the excellent evaluation of our international Max Planck research school IMPRS-gBGC (see details below), our follow-up proposal to the Max Planck society was now officially granted by the Max Planck president. In his recent letter to the IMPRS spokesperson Prof. Martin Heimann, president Prof. Martin Stratmann congratulated on the highly successful research school and granted its prolongation.
In April 2015 all partners, the President of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Prof. Walter Rosenthal), the deans of the Faculty of Biology and Pharmacy (Prof. Frank Hellwig), of the Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences (Prof. Ulrich S. Schubert), of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences (Prof. Birgitta König-Ries) as well as the Managing director of the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry (Prof. Markus Reichstein) had agreed on the continuation of the concept in a follow-up proposal.
With the granted prolongation, our close cooperation with the Friedrich Schiller University Jena will now be financially supported until June 2022. We are very glad and looking forward to six more years for the IMPRS-gBGC, which offers a PhD program in global biogeochemistry and related Earth system sciences to well-motivated and highly qualified students from all countries.
Excellent evaluation of our research school
4 years after its establishment, our school has been evaluated by an international review team in May 2014. The evaluation committee unanimously and enthusiastically recommended the continuation for another six years.
The international reviewers praised
- the quality of science,
- its originality,
- innovativeness,
- interconnectedness,
- the synergy effects and
- the internationality of the school, as well as
- the enthusiasm and
- the commitment of all partners.
On behalf of the steering committee the spokesperson Martin Heimann will hand in the follow-up proposal for the continuation of the program in 2015.