IMPRS-gBGC course 'Introduction on Adobe Illustrator'

1.  Time & place

Overview - what is possible with Illustrator
September 22, 2015 (Tuesday)
Start: 9:30 am
End: 10:00 am

Getting started - basic tools
September 23, 2015 (Wednesday)
Start: 9:30 am
End: 12:00 am

MPI for Biogeochemistry, seminar room A2.025


2.  The instructor

Silvana Schott, Technical Editor, MPI-BGC


3.  The class

For the second course: We have 5 licences to work with. It is possible that two of you work with one laptop and one license (please decide by yourself). Maximum participants is 10.


3.1  Description

The first course gives you an impression of what is possible with Illustrator. I show you some of my work examples.
During the second course you will learn all the basic tools so you can start with your own projects.
Both courses are independent.


3.2  Preparation

For the second course: Please bring an internet-enabled notebook or tablet with you – we will need it to work with the programm.


4.  Feedback

4 out of 6 participants filled in the survey by December 10, 2015. Thanks a lot for taking time! Your feedback is valuable because it helps the instructors and organizers to improve the course.
The survey results are available here. Statistics and statements should not be taken as an exhaustive or exclusive list.


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