Skill course: Modeling & Numerical Techniques 2015
The skill course will have a modular structure to satisfy both the need for an introduction into modeling in general and into specific areas of application.
1. General information
Date: Oct 20 - Nov 4, 2015
Place: seminar room B0.002, MPI-BGC
2. Preliminary agenda
L = lecture, P = practical
Day | Slot | Type | Content | Who |
Tue, Oct 20 | Mathematical concepts | Carlos Sierra | ||
09:00 - 12:00 | L | - Functions, limits, derivatives, integrals | ||
13:00 - 16:00 | P | - Functions in R, splines and numerical integration | ||
Wed, Oct 21 | Basics of ecological modeling | Carlos Sierra | ||
09:00 - 12:00 | L | - Model formulation: concepts and model equations | ||
13:00 - 16:00 | P | - Numerical solution of models | ||
Mon, Nov 2 | Basics of Earth system modeling | Axel Kleidon | ||
09:00 - 12:00 | L/P | - introduction to Earth system modeling | ||
14:00 - 17:00 | L/P | - linear reservoir | ||
Wed, Nov 3 | Models of the Atmosphere-Biosphere system | Axel Kleidon | ||
09:00 - 12:00 | L/P | - energy balance models | ||
14:00 - 17:00 | L/P | - climate sensitivity | ||
Wed, Nov 4 | Projects | Axel Kleidon | ||
09:00 - 12:00 | P | - introduction to projects | ||
14:00 - 17:00 | P | - project work |
3. What you need to prepare
There are no pre-knowledge needed to participate in the module on basic modeling.
Bring a laptop and make sure that a recent version of R is running on your laptop.
You can download the most recent version here:
RStudio is a new open-source integrated development environment that runs on all platforms. It nicely combines console, script editor, working directory, plots etc. into a an uncluttered layout that you can easily navigate. You need to have R installed before you can use RStudio as a development environment.
Please also make sure that you can access the internet via WLAN (BGC-users, if you have a BGC-account; BGC-guests, if you don't have an account).
4. Feedback
4.1 Part 1 by Carlos Sierra
5 out of 6 participants filled in the survey by December 10, 2015. Thanks a lot for taking time! Your feedback is valuable because it helps the instructors and organizers to improve the individual modules and the general structure of the course.
The survey results are available here. Statistics and statements should not be taken as an exhaustive or exclusive list.
4.2 Part 2 by Axel Kleidon
5 out of 7 participants filled in the survey by December 07, 2015. Thanks a lot for taking time! Your feedback is valuable because it helps the instructors and organizers to improve the individual modules and the general structure of the course.
The survey results are available here. Statistics and statements should not be taken as an exhaustive or exclusive list.