Skill course: Earth observation techniques

1.  When & where?

May 12 & 13, 2014
at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Institute of Geography,
R212 & R121 (Grietgasse 6, main entrance: Löbdergraben 32), upper, second & third floor

May 26 - 28, 2014
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry,
Seminar room B0.002 (opposite the reception)

June 10 & 12, 2014
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry,
Seminar room B0.002 (opposite the reception)


2.  Registration

Click here to register before May 7, 2014.


3.  Outline




Mon, May 12  Optical remote sensing (incl. preprocessing like atmospheric & topographic correction) 
 9:00-10:00TIntroduction to Remote Sensing Concepts: EMSChristiane Schmullius
 10:15-11:15TSensor Concepts (Spectral, Geometric, Radiometric, Temporal Resolution)Christiane Schmullius
 11:30-12:30TSensor Overview and ApplicationsChristiane Schmullius
 14:00-15:00TIntroduction to Image ProcessingSören Hese
 15:15-16:15TAtmospheric and topographic correction methods 
 16:30-18:00PPractical exercises (using ENVI)Sören Hese
Tue, May 13  RADAR remote sensing for Earth surface 
 9:00-10:00TIntroduction to Radar Concepts and Image GeometryChristiane Schmullius
 10:15-11:15TSensor Parameters (Wavelength, Polarisation, Incidence Angle)Christiane Schmullius
 11:30-12:30TSurface Parameters (Dielectric Constant, Roughness)Christiane Schmullius
 14:00-16:00TApplications: Forest (inkl. INSAR, POLSAR)Christian Thiel
 16:00-18:00PPractical exercises (using ESA NEST + ASF MapReady + ENVI)Carsten Pathe
Mon, May 26  Atmosphere: essential climate variables 
 9:00-10:00TIntroduction to sensing of the atmosphere, and atmospheric ECVs. Some discussion about different orbit configurations, and a brief history of remote sensing of the atmosphere.Julia Marshall and Dietrich Feist
 10:15-11:15TAn introduction to ground-based remote sensing of the atmosphere, focusing on the FTIR.Dietrich Feist
 11:30-12:30TPassive emission sensing of greenhouse gases, using the the sensors AIRS and IASI as teaching examples.Julia Marshall
 14:00-15:00TPassive scattering sensing of the atmosphere, using the examples of SCIAMACHY and GOSAT.Julia Marshall
 15:15-16:15TActive sensing of the atmosphere, using the example of the aerosol satellite CALIPSO and the planned methane mission MERLIN.Julia Marshall
 16:30-18:00PPractical session: "Design a satellite", where two groups will be given different measurement goals, and asked to plan and present a hypothetical satellite mission to meet these goals.Julia Marshall and Dietrich Feist
Tue, May 27  Essential climate variables - ocean color, sea surface temperature and precipitation 
 9:00-13:00TOceanic remote sensing (ocean color, sea surface temperature, etc.)Roland Doerffer (Helmoltz Center Geesthacht)
 14:00-16:00Tprecipitation measurement

-The water and energy cycle and precipitation
-precipitation derivation methods from space using VIS,IR and PMW
-satellite sensors for precipitation
-sensor characteristics and land/ocean differences
-calibration, inter- and cross calibration
-available data sets
-IPWG - the international precip working group activities
-the HOAPS data set
-intercomparing satellite climatologies, time series and zonal means
-case studies
-validation efforts (IPWG related and ships)
-applications like natural hazards
-the continuing time series and the SSMIS problems
-the future is GPM

Stephan Bakan (MPI Meteorologie)
Wed, May 28  Essential climate variables - land cover 
 9:00-11:00TLand Cover
-Remote sensing and land observation
-Remote sensing principles for land characterisation
-Land cover classification
Céline Lamarche (Université Catholique de Louvain)
Tue, June 10  Essential climate variables - Clouds observed by satellites 
 11:00-13:00TIntroduction - an global overview
- Motivation: Why are clouds important?
-CM SAF and ESA CCI (international programs)
Cornelia Schlundt (DWD)
 14:00-16:00TRemote sensing of cloud properties
-different instruments
-different algorithms
Cornelia Schlundt (DWD)
Thu, June 12  Essential climate variables - fire disturbance 
 9:00-12:00TFire disturbanceKevin Tansey

4.  Course material

Introduction to remote sensing, part 1 by Christiane Schmullius
Introduction to remote sensing, part 2 by Christiane Schmullius
Radar-optic synergies for operational land cover and biomass mapping by Christiane Schmullius
Introduction to image processing in remote sensing by Sören Hese
Introduction to image processing for Earth observation data analysis - Landcover classification and multispectral data analysis using ENVI/IDL image processing environment by Sören Hese
Forest cover and forest disturbance mapping and forest biomass assessment using SAR by Christian Thiel
Introduction to remote sensing by Julia Marshall & Dietrich Feist
Emission sensing of greenhouse gases by Julia Marshall & Dietrich Feist
Scattering sensing of the atmosphere by Julia Marshall & Dietrich Feist
Active sensing of the atmosphere by Julia Marshall & Dietrich Feist
Practical session 'Design a satellite' by Julia Marshall & Dietrich Feist
Ocean and climate - Basics and how to use remote sensing data by Roland Dörffer
Advanced ocean observation methods by Roland Dörffer
Satellite oceanography by Roland Dörffer
Precipitation measurement by Stephan Bakan
Land cover by Céline Lamarche
Clouds observed by satellites, part 1 by Cornelia Schlundt
Clouds observed by satellites, part 2 by Cornelia Schlundt
Fire disturbance by Kevin Tansey
Practical on fire disturbance by Kevin Tansey


5.  Feedback

13 of 19 participants filled in the survey by July 8, 2014. The survey results are given here. Statistics and statements should not be taken as an exhaustive or exclusive list.

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