Greencycles II Training Workshop IV

Nitrogen in the Earth System

Venue: MPI Biogeochemistry (Jena, Germany)
Dates: 25-28 February 2013.

The registration for this workshop is now closed!

The training workshop IV within the Greencycles II Marie-Curie Initial Training Network is addressed to PhD-students working on nitrogen cycle aspects (or generally in the field of biogeochemistry and climate) both from an experiments and modelling perspective. The four-days workshop will be split into 2 parts:

Part I (Mon-Tue, possibly also Wed morning) will cover the basic science of the N cycle, the current understanding of N cycle processes and their relevance/feedbacks for the Earth system/human health in the various components of the Earth system:

Part II (Wed-Thu) will provide a discussion forum for nitrogen cycle models (overview of current approaches and their advantages/caveats).

The workshop fee of 30 € for part I and 60€ for part I + II, which will cover the expenses for coffee breaks and lunch, is payable to the below account by the 15st February 2013. We have blocked a number of rooms at the IBIS hotel in downtown Jena (see here for detail on how to make your reservations).



Course details

List of talks and speakers for Part I:

  • A chronology of human understanding of the nitrogen cycle (J Galloway, Univ. Virginia)
  • Introduction to the nitrogen physiology of plants (ED Schulze, MPI Biogeochemistry)
  • Introduction to nitrogen cycling in the soil (R Hood-Nowotny, Univ. Vienna)
  • Nitrogen fixation, process understanding and global quantification (D Menge, Univ. Princeton)
  • The atmospheric N cycle (F Dentener, JRC)
  • The terrestrial N cycle (S Zaehle, MPI Biogeochemistry)
  • The aquatic N cycle and riverine N transport from land to sea (M Strokal, Univ. Wageningen)
  • Biogeochemistry of nitrogen in the ocean (M Voss, Leipniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung)
  • The anthropogenic nitrogen cascade (J Galloway, Univ. Virginia)
  • Nitrogen and climate change (JW Erisman, Louise-Bolk Insitute)

Part II will be more interactive, and focuses on modelling the terrestrial nitrogen cycle and is suitable mostly for PhD students actively working with a nitrogen cycle model. However, it is in principle open to everybody. What I would like to do is to first have a set of general talk on the different model concepts followed by the analyses of a simple test simulation for the different models to see how the different model concepts translate into different model behaviour.

When registering, please specify the model that you are using, whether you will be willing to give a presentation on your model and also provide a short motivation as to why you want to participate and what you would like to learn. I will be distributing a straight-forward, low intensive protocol once sufficient people have registered.



We have booked a number of rooms in downtown Jena. Please book your room directly with the hotel until the 24th of January 2013, quoting 'GREENCYCLES' as a reference. The room price is 75/85 € including breakfast for a single/double room.

Hotel IBIS, Teichgraben 1, 07743 Jena, Germany
Tel: +49-3641-8130
Fax: +49-3641-813333


Workshop fee

Please pay the workshop fee of 30 € (part I) or 60 € (part I+II) until the 15th of February 2013 to the following account, with the following reference:

Konto-Nr.: 195138330 - Account holder: MPI Biogeochemie
BLZ: 700 700 10 - Bank Name: Deutsche Bank AG
IBAN: DE90 7007 0010 0195 1383 30
Reference: "GRC2 TW4: [your name]"

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