IMPRS course 'Python'
- Start: Nov 13, 2023
- End: Nov 17, 2023
1. General information
Date: November 13-17, 2023
Start time: 10.00 am
Appoximate end: 3 pm
Location: B0.002, MPI for Biogeochemistry, Jena
Teachers: Jacob Nelson and Sujan Koirala
Category: Skill course
0.2 CP per course day
2. Rationale & Objective
This course addresses everybody who is interested in learning Python from scratch. The course is organized in three parts: "Basics" on day one and two, "Advanced Analysis with Python" on day three and "Data Visualisation" on day four. Please sign up for the modules that are of interest for you. If you have any question ie. regarding the level of detail feel free to address the instructors.
3. Preliminary agenda
November 13
Set up - Sujan Koirala
Installation and package management
- Installation
- Package management with Anaconda
- Environments
- Integrated development environment - spyder
November 14
Python basics and data handling - Sujan Koirala
Data types
- Integers, floats, strings, boolean
- Lists and dictionaries
- Arrays
- Data Cubes
Mathematical operations in NumPy
- Arrays
- Matrices
- Masks
- Read data
- Save data
November 15
Data Visualization - tbd
- Concepts behind Data Visualization
- MatPlotLib
- Basic plots
- Figure settings
- Geographical/Map plotting
- Cartopy
- Statistical analysis and plotting
- Seaborn
- Interactive Visualization
- Bokeh
November 16
Python programming - Sujan Koirala
Structure of a Python Program
- Writing first code
- Good practices
- Defining functions
- Writing your own module
November 17
Data Advanced Analysis with Python - Jacob Nelson
- Statistical Analysis
- SciPy
- Curve fitting/Least squares
- Machine Learning
- Scikit Learn
4. Registration
Please register here.