Completed Projects

The Department for Biogeochemical Signals forms part of various international research projects in the field of e.g. land-biosphere-atmosphere interactions, carbon and nutrient cycles, Earth System modelling, remote sensing and Earth Observation, experimental field and lab studies.

Short descriptions of the completed projects and scientific initiatives we were involved in are available below.

Climate-Carbon Interactions in the Current Century
Acronym: 4C
Duration: 6/2019 - 11/2023
PI/Co-PIs: Sönke Zaehle
Participating department members: Sönke Zaehle more
Constraining the role of the Amazon in Global Greenhouse Gas Balance and Climate
Acronym: ATTO
Duration: 5/2017 - 6/2021
PI/Co-PIs: Susan Trumbore, Jost Lavric, Christoph Gerbig more
Modelling the effect of silcon and calcium avaibility on the future sustainability of Arctic permafrost carbon pools on laboratory and field experiments

Modelling the effect of silcon and calcium avaibility on the future sustainability of Arctic permafrost carbon pools on laboratory and field experiments

Acronym: CASPER
Duration: 12/2018 - 11/2021
PI: Mathias Göckede
CO2 Human Emissions

CO2 Human Emissions

Acronym: CHE
Duration: 10/2017 - 12/2020
PI/Co-PIs: Julia Marshall, Martin Jung

The CO2 Human Emissions project is a European effort to develop a monitoring system for global anthropogenic CO2 emissions as opposed to variability in atmospheric CO2 concentrations that is caused by natural processes in order to enable well-informed decision making for greenhouse gas emission reductions, and to monitor policy effectiveness. It combines space-borne observations, ground-based measurements and Earth system models with national emission inventory data.
Coordinated Research in Earth Systems and Climate: Experiments, Knowledge, Dissemination and Outreach
Duration: 11/2015 - 3/2021
PI: Sönke Zaehle

The CRESCENDO project aims to facilitate a coordinated European contribution to the CMIP6 experiment where the climate change community compares different international climate models to improve our knowledge of the Earth’s climate processes and provide the best possible future climate projections to governments and decision-makers Earth system models are increasingly the primary tools used for estimating the full Earth system response to future emissions of greenhouse gases. Hence it is crucial these models are continually improved in order that more reliable future climate projections can be made. more
Ecohydrology of mountain grassland under global change: mechanisms and consequences

Ecohydrology of mountain grassland under global change: mechanisms and consequences

Acronym: ClimGrasHydro
Duration: 5/2019 - 4/2022
PI/Co-PIs: Sönke Zaehle
Integrated Arctic Observation System
Acronym: INTAROS
Duration: 12/2016 - 11/2021
PI: Mathias Goeckede more
Land Surface Carbon Constellation Study
Acronym: LCC
Duration: 10/2020 - 3/2023
PI/Co-PIs: Sönke Zaehle, Tarek El-Madany
Participating department members: Sönke Zaehle, Tarek El-Madany

Investigate the terrestrial biosphere’s net ecosystem exchange – photosynthetic CO2 uptake minus respiratory CO2 release – response to climatic drivers by means of combining a process-based model with a wide range of observations (in-situ and remotely sensed) on local and regional scale. In the project we are involved in the modelling part and in the field activity. more
Combining SWIR and TIR CH4 satellite observations to assess sources and sinks on regional and global scale
Acronym: METHANE+
Duration: 1/2020 - 1/2022
PI/Co-PIs: Sönke Zaehle, Julia Marshall
Participating department members: Julia Marshall

The project combines and calculates methane measurements from different satellites in order to better differentiate the sources and sinks of methane on a regional and global level. more
Permafrost thaw and the changing arctic coast: science for socio-economic adaptation
Duration: 11/2017 - 10/2022
PI/Co-PIs: Mathias Göckede
Participating department members: Mathias Göckede more
Quantifying the effects of interacting nutrient cycles on terrestrial biosphere dynamics and their climate feedbacks
Acronym: QUINCY
Duration: 9/2015 - 8/2021
PI: Sönke Zaehle

The objective of QUINCY is to clarify the role of the interacting terrestrial nitrogen and phosphorus cycles and their effects on terrestrial C allocation and residence times as well as terrestrial water fluxes. more
TCCON-FTIR-Station Ascension Island

TCCON-FTIR-Station Ascension Island

Acronym: S5P-FTIR-MPG
Duration: 11/2017 - 10/2020
PI: Dietrich Feist
A model approach to control the turnover of organic matter in the ecosystem through nutrient availability
Acronym: SPP 1685 Phase II
Duration: 2/2017 - 1/2020
PI/Co-PIs: Marion Schrumpf, Sönke Zaehle

The objective of the priority Program 1685 is to investigate the relevance of the ecological paradigm of the ‘whole being more than the sum of its parts’ for P - nutrition of forest ecosystems. Therefore new concepts of ecosystem nutrition and new methods will be developed. We will investigate if there are any adaption mechanism of forest ecosystems to sites with poor P supply, which are not a result of the adaptation of single organisms but of ecological interactions, which enable coordinated nutrient (re-) mobilisation, uptake, usage and storage. more
Observation-based system for monitoring and verification of greenhouse gases
Acronym: VERIFY
Duration: 1/2018 - 12/2021
PI/Co-PIs: Martin Jung, Christoph Gerbig

Activities in VERIFY are targeted towards developing a pre-operational system to quantify greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O) across the EU based on independent observations in support of inventories that rely only on statistical data. It integrates atmospheric measurements, improved emission inventories, ecosystem data, and satellite observations to estimate anthropogenic and natural GHG emissions and sinks, including their attribution to processes and sectors. The projects outputs help to deliver policy-relevant information to track progress of the EU mitigation efforts to meet the targets of the Paris Agreement on Climate. more
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