Current Projects

The Department for Biogeochemical Signals forms part of various international research projects in the field of e.g. land-biosphere-atmosphere interactions, carbon and nutrient cycles, Earth System modelling, remote sensing and Earth Observation, experimental field and lab studies, ...

Short descriptions of funded projects we are involved in are available below.

Earth system and climate studies at the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory (ATTO)
Duration: 8/2021 - 3/2025
Funding: BMBF (Grant ID: 01LK2101A)
Contact: Susan Trumbore more
CAP7 - Climate projections for CMIP7

CAP7 - Climate projections for CMIP7

Duration: 09/2024 - 08/2027
Funding: BMBF
Contact: Sönke Zaehle
Projekt 01LP2401D
Earth system models for the future
Acronym: ESM2025
Duration: 6/2021 - 5/2025
PI/Co-PIs: Nuno Carvalhais, Sönke Zaehle
Participating department members: Nuno Carvalhais, Sönke Zaehle

Earth system models for the future is an ambitious European research project on Earth System modelling that will build a novel generation of Earth system models fitted to support the development of mitigation and adaptation strategies in line with the commitments of the Paris Agreement. more
ICON-4C4M-L: Development of a land component for emission-driven ICON-seamless simulations in CMIP7

ICON-4C4M-L: Development of a land component for emission-driven ICON-seamless simulations in CMIP7

Duration: 1/2024 - 12/2026
Funding: BMBF - DWD (FKZ 4823EMF02A )
Contact: Sönke Zaehle
IM4CA - Investigating Methane for Climate Action

IM4CA - Investigating Methane for Climate Action

Duration: 1/2025 - 12/2028
Funding: EU-Horizon Europe
Contact: Christoph Gerbig, Armin Jordan, Markus Eritt, Luana Basso, Sönke Zaehle
Grant-ID: GA 101183460
Inverse modeling of GHG fluxes using the CarboScope regional inversion system

Inverse modeling of GHG fluxes using the CarboScope regional inversion system

Acronym: ICOS-ERIC
Duration: 4/2012 - 12/2025
PI/Co-PIs: Christoph Gerbig
Participating department members: Christoph Gerbig, Thomas Koch


Joint project ITMS Integrated Greenhouse Gas Monitoring System for Germany - Module Coordination
Duration: 08/2022 - 07/2026
Funding: BMBF
Contact: Christoph Gerbig
Integrated Greehouse Gas Monitoring System for Germany - Modelling

Integrated Greehouse Gas Monitoring System for Germany - Modelling

Acronym: ITMS-M
Duration: 12/2021 - 2/2026
PI/Co-PIs: Christoph Gerbig
Participating department members: Christoph Gerbig, Michal Galkowski, Thomas Petroliagkis, Danilo Custodio

The aim of the ITMS is to enable Germany to monitor the sources and sinks of the three most important long-lived greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) operationally and with the help of independent measurements. The joint project ITMS-M is concerned with the further development of atmospheric modelling that is required, with the participation of the DWD, the KIT, the University of Heidelberg, and the MPI-BGC.
MOMENT - Permafrost research towards integrated observation and modeling of ecosystem methane budgets.

MOMENT - Permafrost research towards integrated observation and modeling of ecosystem methane budgets.

Duration: 11/2022 - 10/2025
Funding: BMBF
Contact: Mathias Goeckede
Pilot Application in Urban Landscapes - Towards integrated city observatories for greenhouse gases

Pilot Application in Urban Landscapes - Towards integrated city observatories for greenhouse gases

Acronym: PAUL
Duration: 10/2021 - 9/2025
PI/Co-PIs: Armin Jordan, Christoph Gerbig
Participating department members: Armin Jordan, Christoph Gerbig
Quantify disturbance impacts on feedbacks between Arctic permafrost and global climate
Acronym: Q-ARCTIC
Duration: 10/2021 - 9/2027
PI/Co-PIs: Annett Bartsch, Victor Brovkin, Mathias Göckede, Martin Heimann
Participating department members: Mathias Göckede, Martin Heimann more
Research for an integrated GreenHouse Gas monitoring system and for its use at DWD

Research for an integrated GreenHouse Gas monitoring system and for its use at DWD

Acronym: RiGHGorous
Duration: 1/2020 - 1/2023
PI/Co-PIs: Christoph Gerbig
Participating department members: Christoph Gerbig
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