IMPRS course 'R: The basics'
- Start: Sep 4, 2023
- End: Sep 15, 2023
General information
Date: September 4-15, 2023
Starting time: 9.00 am
Approximate end: noon
Place: B0.002, MPI for Biogeochemistry, Jena
Ulisse Gomarasca, Konstantin Schellenberg, Jessica Finck, David Herrera, David Urquiza
Category: Skill course
Credit points: 0.2 CP per course day
>> R Course - the Basics 2022
R is a free, simple and very versatile programming language widely used for statistical analyses. This course "Introduction to Data Analysis with R" is targeted at PhD students without any previous knowledge of R. Its contents will be focused on getting an intuitive grasp of R's main functions and being able to advance your abilities on your own and in advanced courses. The course will enable you to tackle these common three types of tasks:
- How to load data into R?
- How to work with data in R?
- How to save results and simple plots?
September 4: Introduction with Ulisse Gomarasca
- `Rstudio` and `R` as a calculator
- Data types
- Data structures
- Reading and writing files
- the Tidyverse
September 6: Programming - Control flow with Konstantin Schellenberg
- Loops
- Conditions
- Functions, Pipe operator
- Processing of character strings
September 7: Graphics with Jessica Finck
- What are Base-plot vs ggplot?
- Wrangling data with dplyr
- Basic ggplot
September 14: Data analysis with David Herrera
- Simple statistics
- Uni-variate descriptive statistics
- Data processing
- Outlook:
- Where to find a method?
- Other ways to process data
September 15: Free practice with all instructors
- Find your own mini-project
- Repeat stuff from the course
- Ask for help with own data analysis
- Rmarkdown
Register here by August 21, 2023.