Publications of R. A. Werner
All genres
Journal Article (22)
Journal Article
13 (13), pp. 1248 - 1251 (1999)
Standardization for oxygen isotope ratio measurement - Still an unsolved problem. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 22.
Journal Article
13 (13), pp. 1237 - 1241 (1999)
ConFlo III - An interface for high precision δ 13C and δ 15N analysis with an extended dynamic range. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry Book Chapter (2)
Book Chapter
The potential of intermolecular and ultramolecular isotopic correlations for authenticity control. In: Flavor chemistry: thirty years of progress., pp. 55 - 61 (Eds. Teranishi, R.; Wick, E. L.; Hornstein, I.). Kluwer, New York (1999)
Book Chapter
Stable isotope ratio analysis in quality control of flavourings. In: Flavourings, pp. 539 - 594 (Eds. Ziegler, H.; Ziegler, E.). Wiley, Weinheim (1998)