Publikationen von Olaf Kolle
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (90)
Energy and mass exchange and the productivity of the main ecosystems of Siberia (from Eddy covariance measurements). I. Heat balance structure in the Vegetation Season. Biology bulletin, S. 728 - 737 (2013)
117, D15310 (2012)
Methane airborne measurements and comparison to global models during BARCA. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 43.
5, S. 2309 - 2319 (2012)
Greenhouse gas measurements over a 144 km open path in the Canary Islands. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 44.
12 (21), S. 8763 - 8775 (2012)
Calibration of column-averaged CH4 over European TCCON FTS sites with airborne in-situ measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 45.
6, 5 (2011)
The charcoal trap: Miombo forests and the energy needs of people. Carbon Balance and Management 46.
11, S. 10765 - 10777 (2011)
Calibration of TCCON column-averaged CO2: the first aircraft campaign over European TCCON sites. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 47.
107 (6), S. 965 - 979 (2011)
Adjustment to the light environment in small-statured forbs as a strategy for complementary resource use in mixtures of grassland species. Annals of Botany 48.
3 (2), S. 375 - 386 (2010)
High-accuracy continuous airborne measurements of greenhouse gases (CO2 and CH4) using the cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) technique. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 49.
10 (19), S. 9251 - 9282 (2010)
Impact of Manaus City on the Amazon Green Ocean atmosphere: ozone production, precursor sensitivity and aerosol load. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 50.
150 (5), S. 684 - 691 (2010)
Treatment and assessment of the CO2-exchange at a complex forest site in Thuringia, Germany. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 51.
3 (4), S. 1113 - 1128 (2010)
Continuous low-maintenance CO2/CH4/H2O measurements at the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO) in Central Siberia. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 52.
15 (8), S. 1990 - 2002 (2009)
Impact of afforestation-associated management changes on the carbon balance of grassland. Global Change Biology 53.
15 (11), S. 2599 - 2614 (2009)
Artificial drainage and associated carbon fluxes (CO2/CH4) in a tundra ecosystem. Global Change Biology 54.
98 (3-4), S. 397 - 412 (2009)
Available energy and energy balance closure at four coniferous forest sites across Europe. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 55.
148 (1), S. 12 - 24 (2008)
Comparison of horizontal and vertical advective CO2 fluxes at three forest sites. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 56.
18 (6), S. 1391 - 1405 (2008)
Advection and resulting CO2 exchange uncertainty in a tall forest in central Germany. Ecological Applications 57.
59 (14), S. 3941 - 3952 (2008)
Photosynthetic properties of C4 plants growing in an African savanna/wetland mosaic. Journal of Experimental Botany 58.
24 (Part 2), S. 201 - 213 (2008)
Seasonal and inter-annual photosynthetic response of representative C4 species to soil water content and leaf nitrogen concentration across a tropical seasonal floodplain. Journal of Tropical Ecology 59.
5 (2), S. 451 - 462 (2008)
Quality control of CarboEurope flux data - Part 2: inter-comparison of eddy-covariance software. Biogeosciences 60.
4 (5), S. 759 - 768 (2007)
An airborne regional carbon balance for Central Amazonia. Biogeosciences