Public outreach activities by department members


Influence of utilization and global change on carbon storage and nutrient availability of forest soils
Marion Schrumpf’s talk during the 7th information event of the biodiversty exploratory Schwäbische Alb

June 05, 2024 more


Breathing nature: Unveiling the biosphere’s secrets through AI and earth observation
Video of Markus Reichstein’s talk on at the United Nations AI for Good Summit 2024 in Geneva
2024 May 31st

source: YouTube AI for Good
Land-Atmosphere Interaction of Terrestrial Ecosystems (only in Chinese)
Sung-Ching Lee’s online talk for the TYRA project.
August 2023

Source: YouTube TYRA more
Climate Now Live | What's happening to the water cycle?
René Orth is part of a panel of experts, brought together by Euronews , for a Climate Now debate, focusing on the question: What’s happening to Europe’s water cycle?

April 26, 2023
Source: YouTube euronews more
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: New Methods for Earth System Science
Markus Reichstein explains why new methods, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, will help solve Earth system questions. more
Wissen was? - Extremwetter: Ist das der Klimawandel? | Hitze, Stürme, Hochwasser (German video)
Youtube video of the Wissen Was magazine with @MrWissen2go and Markus Reichstein - Max Planck Society
2022 June 20th

Source: YouTube, Wissen Was - Max Planck Gesellschaft more
Machine-learning-model-data-integration for a better understanding of the Earth System (English video)
Online public lecture by Markus Reichstein at Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy

2022 March 24th

Source: Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy more
Existential risk emerging from systemic and compound risk (English video)
Online talk by Markus Reichstein at the Cambridge Conference on Catastrophic Risk
2022 April 19th

source: YouTube, CSER Cambridge more
Der Klimawandel im Erdsystem – was wissen wir, was können wir tun?
Online public lecture by Markus Reichstein at the ZEISS Colloquium Innovation Talk
2021 May 4th

Source: Carl Zeiss AG more

Data visualization


July 01, 2024

Scientific groups

Shung-Ching Lee is part of the FLUXCOM outreach group more
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