
Events from the Department of Biogeochemical Integration

ELLIS Summer School "AI for Earth & Climate Sciences"

FLUXCOM Workshop 2025

AI for Good webinar: Causality in Dynamical Systems

AI for Good webinar
  • Date: Jan 26, 2025
  • Time: 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Location: online

AI for Good webinar: How deep learning improves weather forecasts and reduces energy demands

  • Date: Jan 15, 2025
  • Time: 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Location: online

AI & Research / MPG event

AI For Good Webinar: Toward robust surrogate components of land surface states for hybrid earth system models

AI4Carbon: Machine Learning meets Atmospheric Transport

  • Date: Nov 7, 2024
  • Time: 05:00 PM (Berlin UTC+01:00)
  • Location: Online
We will discuss current challenges in atmospheric tracer transport modeling and inversion, and explore how recent advances in AI/ML can facilitate carbon cycle research, including transport model development, data assimilation, and uncertainty quantification. [more]

12th Global Dialogue Platform

The global and regional dialogue platforms provide an interactive, engaging space for the anticipatory action community. Participants share and exchange knowledge, best practices and lessons learned to ensure there is a fundamental change within the humanitarian system: from reaction to anticipation. [more]

EEBIOMASS Summer School 2024

This Summer School will introduce you to the different dimensions of the Earth Explorer Mission BIOMASS and trains you in Earth observation related topics! You will learn about the mission objectives, the technical background (such as SAR, Tomography, Interferometry and Polarimetry) and related research topics. The target group of the summer school are (early career) scientists from the fields of remote sensing, forestry and earth system sciences. [more]
Das Auswärtige Amt (AA), das Deutsche Klima-Konsortium (DKK) und die Stiftung KlimaWirtschaft laden Sie herzlich ein zum Briefing mit Bundesaußenministerin Annalena Baerbock im Vorfeld der 29. UN-Klimakonferenz in Baku, Aserbaidschan. Es steht unter dem Motto „Transformation für 1,5 Grad beschleunigen. [more]
Markus Reichstein nimmt am parlamentarischen Frühstück zum Thema „Die Klimawirkung von Methan – eine unterschätzte Gefahr“ teil.Organisiert wird das Event von der Helmholtz SynCom und der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina. [more]

Open Earth Monitor: Global Workshop 2024

Daniel Loos will hold a keynote speech on Friday Oct 4 09:00 during the Open-Earth-Monitor Global Workshop 2024. Other BGI department members who will participate are: Gregory Duveiller (Oct 3, 15:00 - 17:30) & Daniel Pabon Moreno (Oct 2, 12:00 - 13:00). Gregory Duveiller will further present to work done by Wantong Li. [more]
This event will feature a series of presentations exploring the integration of AI and data science with Earth system sciences, highlighting innovative approaches and methodologies. We are eager to dive into these topics and engage in meaningful discussions on how AI and data science are advancing our understanding of Earth systems. [more]

Thüringer Gartentage: Pflanzenbestimmung mit der App „Flora Incognita“

Die Thüringer Gartentage läuten den Herbst ein und liefern reichlich Inspiration und erstklassige Fachberatung: Auf dem Gartenmarkt präsentiert eine große Vielfalt an Anbietern ein umfangreiches Sortiment an Stauden, Gehölzen, Rosen, Blumenzwiebeln und vielem mehr, das für die Herbstpflanzung zur Auswahl steht. [more]
Vertreter des Teams hinter der Flora Incognita App werden am 4. und 5. Juni bei der „Woche der Umwelt“ im Park von Schloss Bellevue in Berlin vertreten sein. Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier und die Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) laden ein zu einem attraktiven Fachprogramm, spannenden Diskussionen und einer großen Innovationsschau rund um eine nachhaltige Zukunft. [more]
At the AI for Good Global Summit 2024, held in Geneva on May 30th and 31st, ELLIS Unit Jena plays a multifaceted role, showcasing its commitment to advancing AI for environmental sustainability. [more]
Over the past decade, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for scientific exploration has grown as a transformative force, propelling research into new realms of discovery. The AI4DifferentialEquations in Science workshop at ICLR 2024 invites participants on a dynamic journey at the interface of machine learning and computational sciences known as Scientific Machine Learning (SciML). [more]


The ERC is also jointly organising an official side session (virtual only) on AI and climate with ERC President Leptin and ERC grantees Gustau Camps-Valls, Veronika Eyring, Pierre Gentine and Markus Reichstein amongst the speakers. [more]

European Geosciences Union Assembly 2024

Artificial intelligence has been on everyone’s lips for more than a year, as it has made creative tasks possible, such as automatic writing of texts (e.g., ChatGPT) or generating images (e.g., Dall-E). The panel will discuss whether the development that has led to the so-called generative models can also be used to address the impending challenges of climate change for society. Specifically, it examines the possibilities of today’s AI for early warning and decision-making systems in the context of climate, environmental, and health risks. [more]

Deep learning and Process Understanding for Data-Driven Earth System Science

For a better understanding of the Earth system we need a stronger integration of observations and (mechanistic) models. Classical model-data integration approaches start with a model structure and try to estimate states or parameters via data assimilation and inverse modelling, respectively. Sometimes, several model structures are employed and evaluated, e.g. in Bayesian model averaging, but still parametric model structures are assumed.Recently, Reichstein et al. (2019) proposed a fusion of machine learning and mechanistic modelling approaches into so-called hybrid modelling. Ideally, this combines scientific consistency with the versatility of data driven approaches and is expected to allow for better predictions and better understanding of the system, e.g. by inferring unobserved variables. This talk will elaborateon developments of this concept and illustrate its promise but also challenges with examples on biosphere-atmosphere exchange, and carbon and water cycles from the ecosystem to the global scale. [more]

AGU Fall Meeting 2023

Climate change related systemic risks have the potential to be an even greater threat than those of the COVID-19 pandemic. Are we prepared for this? Join the Herrenhausen Conference in Hanover on June 21 - 23, 2023. [more]

EEBIOMASS virtual workshop on "The future of forest demography"

European Geosciences Union Assembly 2023

Climate extremes and impacts on the terrestrial carbon-cycle and fires

  • Date: Apr 20, 2023
  • Time: 03:00 PM - 04:30 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Dr. Ana Bastos
  • Location: Virtual
Join AIMES, the Earth Commission, Future Earth, and the WCRP Safe Landing Climates Lighthouse Activity for a webinar on climate extremes and impacts as part of a series that aims to advance the knowledge about tipping points, irreversibility, and abrupt changes in the Earth system. [more]


EEBIOMASS Virtual Workshop on "Uncertainties"

A rich strategic and scientific program for the Kick-off of the ELLIS Unit Jena was assembled, with high-level representatives from two Thuringian Ministries and the United Nations and from science including A.M. Turing Award Laureate Prof. Yoshua Bengio and President of ELLIS and Frontiers of Knowledge Award winner Prof. Bernhard Schölkopf. [more]

EEBIOMASS virtual workshop on "Calibration / Validation"

EEBIOMASS virtual workshop on "Linking forest structure and function"

EEBIOMASS Summer School 2022

We invite you to join us from May 30 – June 01, 2022 in Jena, Germany for our in-person EEBIOMASS Summer School! [more]

European Geosciences Union Assembly 2022

List of EGU 2022 sessions of BGI members [more]
After presenting mission products for forests in our first two workshops, we will now introduce you to the secondary mission products such as: mapping of the geological subsurface, the topography of the land under vegetation cover and the speed of flow of ice sheets and glaciers. Therefore, we invited Pau Prats (German Aerospace Center - Microwaves and Radar Institute), Jørgen Dall (Technical University of Denmark) and Georg Fischer (German Aerospace Center - Microwaves and Radar Institute). [more]
This session is organized by the Knowledge Action Network on Emergent Risks and Extreme Events (Risk KAN) to discuss climate change related systemic risks in the context of sustainable development and societal resilience. Systemic risk refers to the potential for adverse consequences that can spread within and across interconnected systems and sectors via movements of people, goods, resources, capital, and information within and across countries, even continents to eventually lead to existential impacts and systems collapse. Climate change is projected to lead to increasing extreme events and natural hazard, which, when interacting with socio-economic drivers, will increase systemic climate-related risk. Globalization contributes to systemic risk through dependencies within and across social systems affecting people worldwide. This session will address the most relevant topics regarding climate related systemic risk and present how systemic risk assessments may inform transformational and sustainable adaptation. [more]
Societal risk arising from global change: Past, present, future. [more]
The Project Office BIOMASS, anticipates the upcoming Earth Explorer BIOMASS Mission in 2023. With our first workshop we aim to get as much as possible feedback from a divers group of people/teams working in Germany, but also internationally, who are interested in working with the BIOMASS data in different domains: from retrieval to ecosystem modeling and monitoring applications. We will be conducting a small workshop where the mission is introduced as well as development related to ecosystem modeling. Agenda [more]

AGU Fall Meeting 2020

Sharing Geoscience Online [more]
Extreme climate events, such as heatwaves, drought and storms, have been identified as a top threat to human well-being by the United Nations and independent bodies, such as the World Economic Forum. At the same time, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been globally agreed on as a key target with a timeline until 2030 (Agenda 2030). Development and transformation for achieving the SDGs can be severely threatened by catastrophic events triggered by climate extremes. Yet, at the same time development towards reaching the SDGs may enhance societal resilience against such extremes. There is an urgent need to discuss strategies to reach the Sustainable Development Goals and societal resilience, specifically considering changes of climate extremes which are likely to happen according to repeated reports by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). [more]
Climate extremes are one of the major future threats to society, as recognized by several international bodies. Yet, it is difficult to conceive the question: “Which instabilities, tipping points and risk cascades are most likely emerging from the interaction of future climate extremes with ecological and societal systems?”. [more]
Preliminary topics include: Progress on remote sensing data, Interpreting in-situ data with information from space, Upscaling - the art of making new data products, Indicators of anomalies and change, Socioeconomic impacts on the land, and Biodiversity change assessmen. [more]
A data-driven index for tracing the interactions of biosphere-atmosphere and society [more]

AGU Fall Meeting 2018

Over the last decades, the magnitude and complexity of climate and biogeochemical data from satellite sensors, stations, and climate models has substantially increased. This is starting to overwhelm the relatively simple tools and methods currently used to analyze the data. On the other hand, recent developments in machine learning have led to powerful new methods which promise to yield novel insights - if they properly cope with the particular challenges of such data. The new field of Climate Informatics could contribute to substantially enhance our understanding of the Earth system and confidence in future climate projections. This session invites contributions of new statistical and machine learning methodology including (but not limited to) causal discovery, deep learning, probabilistic and Bayesian inference, computer vision, and advanced model-data integration applied to Earth system models and observations. [more]
Climate extremes are one of the major future threats to society, as recognized by several international bodies. Yet, it is difficult to conceive the question: “Which instabilities, tipping points and risk cascades are most likely emerging from the interaction of future climate extremes with ecological and societal systems? [more]
The meeting will bring together world experts on multiple evidence streams and theory to assess the CO2 fertilization effect on the terrestrial carbon sink. The primary goal of the meeting is to integrate the evidence streams and to resolve conflicts in the interpretation of the evidence streams into a quantitative synthesis of the state of knowledge. The synthesis will take the form of a high-quality review article. A secondary goal is to identify research opportunities and foster collaborations to take advantage of these opportunities. [more]
Ecosystem transpiration has become a hot topic lately, with a surge of new methods and datasets coming out, such as data driven partitioning of eddy covariance fluxes and aggregations of site level transpiration estimates (e.g. SAPFLUXNET). New methods have their strengths and weaknesses, but have the potential to advance both the global modeling community on transpiration dynamics as well as focused studies at target ecosystems. In order to better understand what is now available in the community, what is needed, and what sort of validation is necessary for current and future estimates of transpiration, we would like to propose a workshop which would bring together potential users and producers of transpiration datasets with a focus on high global and/or temporal coverage [more]
The topic of extreme events and emergent risks under global environmental change is both scientifically challenging and of high societal relevance. It includes the study of measures for disaster risk reduction and for improving societal resilience. Even if globally averaged surface warming could be limited to "well below 2°C", as demanded by the Paris Agreement, the impacts of climate extremes at multiple temporal and spatial scales and in different regions will pose serious threats to human societies and ecosystems. Improving the societal resilience to enhance successful responses to extreme events will directly address SDGs 2, 3, 6, 9, 13, 14 and 15. [more]
Climate extremes are one of the major future threats to society, as recognized by several international bodies. Yet, it is difficult to conceive the question: “Which instabilities, tipping points and risk cascades are most likely emerging from the interaction of future climate extremes with ecological and societal systems?” Key goal of this working group is to envision how far the German and international scientific community may come in the next 5-10 years to answer the above question. [more]
1st Workshop on Environmental Informatic Challenges in Dornburg-Camburg [more]

FLUXNET Workshop 2017, Berkeley

Conference sessions include the overview/update/outlook of FLUXNET and regional networks, new ideas for flux partitioning, case studies in long-term trend and variability, case studies in non-ideal conditions [more]

EnMAP Core Scientific Team (ECST) Worskhop

EnMAP Core Scientific Team (ECST) workshop will be held Meeting in Potsdam at GFZ. [more]

FLUXCOM Workshop 2017

The FLUXCOM initiative ( has produced a large ensemble of (new) FLUXNET derived global products of carbon and energy fluxes. As these data products are opening up for the scientific community, we will organize a workshop to bring together the „producers” and the potential „users“ of the data products. The workshop will focus on the potential applications related to model evaluation, informing inversion approaches, corroborating with new remote sensing data streams, synthesizing budgets, solving puzzles, etc. In particular, the workshop will deal with four broad themes: 1.FLUXCOM - what's behind. 2.Evaluations and cross-consistency checks of the global products. 3.Applications. 4.Future avenues. [more]
ESA STSE Coupled Atmosphere Biosphere Virtual Laboratory (CAB-LAB) Project Introducing the Earth System Data Cube and demonstrating its usage [more]

AGU Fall Meeting 2016

During a 5-day workshop in Medellín, Colombia, project participants will meet to identify data streams, computer models, and other resources necessary for the implementation of an ecological observatory system that facilitates scientific research. One key objective would be to quantify essential climate variables ECVs and essential biodiversity variables EBVs. In addition, other components of ecosystem functioning such as land-atmosphere interactions will be addressed within the context of the observatory network. We expect at the end of the workshop to have not only the list of the main data and computation resources, but also a long-term plan for funding and implementation of the observaroty system. [more]
The topic Extreme Events and Environments ( has been identified as one of nine important cross-cutting initiatives within Future Earth. The goal of this cross-community/co-design workshop is to identify and elaborate the scientific questions and associated research agendas which are scientifically challenging and of high societal relevance, in line with the goals of Future Earth. [more]

3rd Carbon from Space Workshop

Reconciling the land, ocean and atmosphere components of the Carbon Cycle [more]

AGU Fall Meeting 2015

Exploring trajectories, outliers, extreme events, and causal relations in the emerging multidimensional Earth system data cube. [more]

BACI Kickoff-Meeting

Kickoff-meeting for the project "Detecting changes in essential ecosystem and biodiversity properties – towards a Biosphere Atmosphere Change Index: BACI" with a strong invovlement of the user community i.e. an open science day. [more]
The objective of this meeting is the social and natural science integration regarding the E3S thematic together with the invited stakeholders in order to make progress on the project´s co-design and stakeholder interactions, and to prepare the larger co-design workshop planned for end of 2015. [more]
Sönke Zaehle, Rich Norby (ORNL), Belinda Medlyn (Macquarie University), David Lapola (UNESP, Brazil)Initiate a long-term collaboration among three, new, independently funded forest FACE experiments. We will identify a set of scientifically interesting cross-site questions, ensure that key measurements needed for model parameterization will be made, and establish a common data format that will facilitate the use of the data in models over many years. The publication describing the findings of the workshop can be found here. [more]

Data Assimilation in Biogeochemical Systems

The International Space Science Institute’s (ISSI) Working Group on "Carbon Cycle Data Assimilation: How to Consistently Assimilate Multiple Data Streams" is organizing an Autumn School on ‘Data Assimilation in Biogeochemical Cycles’. The location will be the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy. The Autumn School will take place from 22 September until 27 September, 2014. [more]

Terrabites Training School on Land Biosphere Modeling

The Training Schools attempts to introduce into the overall concepts and components of several different global vegetation models (CLM, LPJ, JSBACH, JULES, ORCHIDEE) in parallel. The presentation of the models will proceed process-wise, so that similarities and dissimilarities of the different approaches and model formulations get apparent and can be discussed. Accordingly, the Training School not only addresses junior scientists in the field, but also experienced senior scientists interested in a comparative view on land biosphere modeling. [more]

Greencycles II Training Workshop IV

The registration for this workshop is now closed! The training workshop IV within the Greencycles II Marie-Curie Initial Training Network is addressed to PhD-students working on nitrogen cycle aspects (or generally in the field of biogeochemistry and climate) both from an experiments and modelling perspective. The four-days workshop will be split into 2 parts: Part I (Mon-Tue, possibly also Wed morning) will cover the basic science of the N cycle, the current understanding of N cycle processes and their relevance/feedbacks for the Earth system/human health in the various components of the Earth system: Part II (Wed-Thu) will provide a discussion forum for nitrogen cycle models (overview of current approaches and their advantages/caveats). The workshop fee of 30 € for part I and 60€ for part I + II, which will cover the expenses for coffee breaks and lunch, is payable to the below account by the 15st February 2013. We have blocked a number of rooms at the IBIS hotel in downtown Jena (see hotel or detail on how to make your reservations). [more]
The ESF Exploratory Workshop Towards A Global Synthesis Of Methane Fluxes From Land Ecosystems took place 10-12 April 2012 in Hamburg (Germany) . [more]

Greencycles II Training Workshop II

Greencycles II Training Workshop II Benchmarking and Data Assimilation took place in September 2011 at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena [more]
Regional and global observations of biogeochemical cycles, such as ecosystem-atmosphere fluxes or biospheric responses to climate, lead to high dimensional spatiotemporal data matrices. Environmental diagnostics and prognostics under non-stationary climate conditions require insight in the coupling of multiple data streams, posing novel problems to statistics and bioinformatics. Merging the expertise from relevant backgrounds is expected to allow the identification of common goals and open new methodological perspectives. [more]

Workshop on Model Data Integration for Soil Carbon Dynamics

Soil carbon dynamics are modeled in most global soil models with first order kinetics. Therefore, they are implicitly assuming that the stability of carbon is based on substrate quality only. However, accounting for the soil biology and different mechanisms of carbon stabilization in different ways can potentially change our projections of the climate system profoundly.New modeling approaches are hard to validate. Often data is missing or terminology and the conceptual views of the soil differs between soil experimentalists and soil modelers. The workshop aims at bringing together models and data, modelers and experimentalists in order to put forward new modeling approaches. The workshop wants to be a platform to exchange knowledge, discuss problems, demonstrate promising pathways, and establish links between the different groups. Contributions on questions, unresolved problems, and need for exchange are welcome. [more]
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