Lectures of the Department Biogochemical Integration

Winter Semester 2022/2023

Klimawandel / Climate Change

Lecturer: Dr. René Orth, Dr. Alexander Winkler
Place: The lecture will take place online on 20.10.2022 (link will be sent by email), and all dates thereafter at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry at Hans-Knöll Straße 10
Time: Thursdays 10:15-11:45am
First lecture: Thursday 20 October 2022, 10:15-11:45am
Assessment: Written exam at the end of the semester and presentation/moderation in the seminar belonging to the module
Contact: René Orth (rene.orth@bgc-jena.mpg.de or phone 03641 576250)
More information : Friedolin-Link

Fernerkundung für Globale Prozessmodelle / Remote sensing for global process models

Lecturer: Markus Reichstein
Place: Friedrich Schiller University
Time: Jan 30 - Jan 31, 2023 & 06. - 08.02.2023
More information : Friedolin-Link


Former lectures

Earth System Components

Lecturer: Dr. Ana Bastos (only contributing)
Place: University of Leipzig within the MSc Earth System Data Science and Remote Sensing at the Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences

Advanced methods of statistics

Lecturer: Dr. Ana Bastos
Place: Friedrich Schiller Universität, Jena
Time: Thursdays 8:00 - 10:00, Sommersemester 2021
More information: Friedolin-Link

Model-data integration for natural sciences

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Markus Reichstein
Place: University Insbruck
Time: 20, 21, 27 & 28 Jan, 2021 9-12 am

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