Climate-ecosystem-disturbance interactions group
Dr. Ana Bastos

Since May 2024, Ana Bastos is now a Professor at University of Leipzig.
The Climate-Ecosystem-Disturbance Interactions group focuses on the links between climate variability and change, disturbance regimes and ecosystem structure and functioning, at regional to global scales. More specifically, the group’s research aims to:

- (i) quantify ecosystem vulnerability and resilience to climate extremes and changes in disturbance patterns, including the role of management;
- (ii) understand the effects of compound disturbances (climatic and/or biotic) on ecosystem dynamics and biogeochemical cycling;
- (iii) gain insights on the drivers of inter-annual to decadal variability in the carbon cycle with a focus on ocean-atmosphere-land teleconnections.
By combining observation-based data (such as eddy-covariance, atmospheric monitoring, remote-sensing) and data-driven and process-based modeling, the group’s research aims at reducing uncertainties in key components of the earth system, particularly the feedbacks between climate and the carbon-cycle and better constrain the contribution of land ecosystems for climate change mitigation.
Current team members
- +49 3641 57-8918
- +49 364157 8955
- +49 3641 57-8954
- +49 3641 5-78909
- +49 3641 57-8911
- +49 3641 57-8913
Former members
Evgenii Churiulin Scientific Programmer. Now at KIT
José Cortes Scientific Researcher
Stella Mutai Scientific Researcher
Olivia Hau BSc intern (Uni. Hamburg)
Sarah Heinrich BSc intern (Uni. Freiburg)
Ana Bastos is this year’s winner of the Beutenberg Campus science award in the category „outstanding junior research scientist”.
Xin Yu’s study “Contrasting drought legacy effects on gross primary productivity in a mixed versus pure beech forest” highlighted in EGU Biogeosciences.
Recent publications