How do ecosystems respond to changing weather patterns, rising temperatures and increasing carbon dioxide concentrations? Is the effect of precipitation more important than that of temperature? Or are ecosystem dynamics more strongly affected by nutrient availability? What is the role of extreme events in shaping biogeochemical cycles? To find out the answers we need to understand the interactions among three complex systems: climate, vegetation, and soil. Thus, we combine experiments and in-situ long-term observation with Earth Observations gathered by aircraft and satellites across a range of spatial scales, and embrace data-driven machine learning and theory-driven mechanistic modelling. With our research, we try to understand how the terrestrial biosphere reacts to and exerts feedbacks on ongoing environmental change and variation in atmospheric conditions.
Latest publications
Rzanny, M.; Bebber, A.; Wittich, H. C.; Fritz, A.; Boho, D.; Mäder, P.; Wäldchen, J.: More than rapid identification—Free plant identification apps can also be highly accurate. People and Nature 6 (6), pp. 2178 - 2181 (2024)
Schatke, M.; Ulber, L.; Musavi, T.; Wäldchen, J.; von Redwitz, C.: From unwanted to wanted: Blending functional weed traits into weed distribution maps. Weed Research 64 (6), pp. 407 - 417 (2024)
Romanou, A.; Hegerl, G. C.; Seneviratne, S. I.; Abis, B.; Bastos, A.; Conversi, A.; Landolfi, A.; Kim, H.; Lerner, P. E.; Mekus, al.; Otto-Bliesner, B. L.; Pausata, F. S. R.; Pinto, I.; Suarez-Guiterrez, L.: Extreme events contributing to tipping elements and tipping points. Surveys in Geophysics (2024)
Mauder, M.; Jung, M.; Stoy, P.; Nelson, J. A.; Wanner, L.: Energy balance closure at FLUXNET sites revisited. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 358, 110235 (2024)