Working Group Societal Resilience and Climate Extremes Rundgespräch (workshop) Climate Resilience

  • Start: Nov 15, 2018
  • End: Nov 16, 2018
  • Location: DFG Geschäftsstelle, Berlin, Germany
  • Host: Markus Reichstein, Dorothea Frank
Working Group Societal Resilience and Climate Extremes Rundgespräch (workshop) Climate Resilience
Climate extremes are one of the major future threats to society, as recognized by several international bodies. Yet, it is difficult to conceive the question: “Which instabilities, tipping points and risk cascades are most likely emerging from the interaction of future climate extremes with ecological and societal systems?

We will discuss questions such as:
• Was sind die größten Herausforderungen, die sich aufgrund von Extremereignissen für den jeweiligen Sektor bzw. Themengebiet stellen? (What are the main challenges that extreme events pose for different sectors?)
•Welches sind die Haupthindernisse für gesellschaftliche Resilienz angesichts von Extremereignissen? (What are the main obstacles to social resilience regarding extreme events?)
and further questions of high relevance in the thematic context from a sectoral perspective.

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