Main Focus
- Fire and other extreme climate/weather events
- Machine learning application to Earth observation
- Hybrid modeling approach bridging deep learning and numerical Earth system modeling
Curriculum Vitae
- 2019-2022, PhD, Atmospheric Science, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
- 2017-2019, MS, Atmospheric Science, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
- 2006-2014, BS, Industrial Engineering & Mathematics, Hanyang University, South Korea
Son, R., Kim, H. C., Yoon, J. H., & Stratoulias, D. (2023) Estimation of surface PM2.5 concentrations from atmospheric gas species retrieved from TROPOMI using deep learning: Impacts of fire on air pollution over Thailand. Atmospheric Pollution Research,
Son, R., Ma, P. L., Wang, H., Rasch, P. J., Wang, S. Y. S., Kim, H., Jeong, J. H., Lim, K. S. S., & Yoon, J. H., (2022). Deep learning provides substantial improvements to county-level fire weather forecasting over the western United States. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 14(10), e2022MS002995.
Son, R., H. Kim, S.-Y. Wang, J.-H. Jeong, S.
Woo, J.-Y. Jeong, B.-D. Lee, S.-H. Kim, M. LaPlante, C.-G. Kwon, &
J.-H. Yoon. (2021). Changes in fire weather climatology under 1.5°C and
2.0°C warming. Environmental Research Letters, 16(3), 034058,
DOI:10.1088/1748- 9326/abe675
Son, R., Wang, S. Y. S., Kim, S. H., Kim, H.,
Jeong, J. H., & Yoon, J. H. (2021). Recurrent pattern of extreme
fire weather in California. Environmental Research Letters, 16(9),
094031, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/ac1f44
Son, R., S.-Y. Wang, W.-L. Tseng, C. W. B.
Schuler, E. Becker, & J.-H. Yoon. (2019). Climate diagnostics of the
extreme floods in Peru during early 2017. Climate Dynamics, 54(1),
935-945, DOI:10.1007/s00382-019-05038-y
Jeong, J. Y., S. H. Woo, R. H. Son, J. H.
Yoon, J. H. Jeong, S. J. Lee, & B. D. Lee. (2018). Spring
forest-fire variability over Korea associated with large-scale climate
factors. Atmosphere, 28(4), 457–467, DOI:10.14191/Atmos.2018.28.4.457