
Latest media with Markus Reichstein


Breathing nature: Unveiling the biosphere’s secrets through AI and earth observation
Starting at 5:52:29 Markus Reichstein holds a talk on “Breathing nature: Unveiling the biosphere’s secrets through AI and earth observation” at the United Nations AI for Good Summit 2024 in Geneva
2024 May 31st

source: youtube AI for Good channel
Wissen was? - Extremwetter: Ist das der Klimawandel? | Hitze, Stürme, Hochwasser (German video)
Youtube video of the Wissen Was magazine with @MrWissen2go - Max Planck Society
2022 June 20th

Source: Wissen Was - Max Planck Gesellschaft more
Der Klimawandel im Erdsystem – was wissen wir, was können wir tun?
Online public lecture by Markus Reichstein at the ZEISS Colloquium Innovation Talk
2021 May 4th

Source: Carl Zeiss AG more
Jetzt wird's extrem: Klimawandel, Dürre, COVID19
2020 October 16th

Source: Deutschen Klima-Konsortium more
Latest Thinking Video about Climate extremes
Latest Thinking video with Markus Reichstein, Mojib Latif, Ruth Delzeit and Gerrit Schenk Herrenhausen
Conference: Extreme Events – Building Climate Resilient Societies, Hanover, October 9-11, 2019
2020 September 17th

Source: Reichstein M. et.al. (2020) Latest Thinking video, doi:10.17871/HK-Latest-Thinking-Video more


Existential risk emerging from systemic and compound risk (English video)
Online talk by Markus Reichstein at the Cambridge Conference on Catastrophic Risk "Existential risk emerging from systemic and compound risk"
2022 April 19th more
Klimawandel im Erdsystem – mehr als nur Erwärmung?
Online public lecture by Markus Reichstein at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz in the series "Klimawandel und Wissenschaft. Fakten, Analysen, Modelle"
2020 November 10th

Source: JGU Mainz more
Klimawandel: Kriegen wir die Kurve?
Lecture by Markus Reichstein at the Herrenhausen Palace on Climate Change - Can we make the change happen? in the series Herrenhausen Extra, organized by the Volkswagen Foundation, Hanover
2019 October 10th

Source: VolkswagenStiftung more


Markus Reichstein at the AI for Good Summit in Geneva
Starting at minute 3:01 Markus Reichstein is talking about using AI for forcasting extreme events (3:01). German only

2024, June 01 more
Screenshot Lichtgedanken Interview
Interview with Lichtgedanken of the Friedrich-Schiller University

2024 March more
und nun zum Wetter - Wie funktioniert Meteorologie? (german only)
Markus Reichstein on how AI can be used to predict the weather. (Only in German)

2022 July 19th

Source: Ö1, ORF  more
This is how a “systemic master plan” can protect us from the next crisis
Markus Reichstein gives a radio interview on the impact of systemic risks. (in German)

2022 April 11th
Source: SWR 2 
also featured in MDR Kultur, NDR and WDR more
Earth inhales and exhales carbon in mesmerizing animation
Interview with Markus Reichstein Live Science (Spanish by DW.com)
2022 January 13th

© 2022 livescience.com and dw.com more


Wie schaut man in Thüringen auf die Klima-Konferenz? (What is Thuringia’s perspective on the climate conference, only in GERMAN)
mdr Thüringen Journal | November 18th, 2022
Interview with Markus Reichstein (GERMAN only) more
Interview on AI for weather forecasting with Markus Reichstein (German video)

Interview on AI for weather forecasting with Markus Reichstein (German video)

HR alle wetter!
2021 August 17th

© 2021 HR
Markus Reichstein infront of the MPI BGC, Jena

The COVID-19 pandemic and the climate (German only)

MDR Thüringen Journal
2020 May 17

© 2020 MDR
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