
Events from the Department of Biogeochemical Integration

Location: Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie
After presenting mission products for forests in our first two workshops, we will now introduce you to the secondary mission products such as: mapping of the geological subsurface, the topography of the land under vegetation cover and the speed of flow of ice sheets and glaciers. Therefore, we invited Pau Prats (German Aerospace Center - Microwaves and Radar Institute), Jørgen Dall (Technical University of Denmark) and Georg Fischer (German Aerospace Center - Microwaves and Radar Institute). [more]
Climate extremes are one of the major future threats to society, as recognized by several international bodies. Yet, it is difficult to conceive the question: “Which instabilities, tipping points and risk cascades are most likely emerging from the interaction of future climate extremes with ecological and societal systems?”. [more]
Preliminary topics include: Progress on remote sensing data, Interpreting in-situ data with information from space, Upscaling - the art of making new data products, Indicators of anomalies and change, Socioeconomic impacts on the land, and Biodiversity change assessmen. [more]
A data-driven index for tracing the interactions of biosphere-atmosphere and society [more]
The meeting will bring together world experts on multiple evidence streams and theory to assess the CO2 fertilization effect on the terrestrial carbon sink. The primary goal of the meeting is to integrate the evidence streams and to resolve conflicts in the interpretation of the evidence streams into a quantitative synthesis of the state of knowledge. The synthesis will take the form of a high-quality review article. A secondary goal is to identify research opportunities and foster collaborations to take advantage of these opportunities. [more]
Ecosystem transpiration has become a hot topic lately, with a surge of new methods and datasets coming out, such as data driven partitioning of eddy covariance fluxes and aggregations of site level transpiration estimates (e.g. SAPFLUXNET). New methods have their strengths and weaknesses, but have the potential to advance both the global modeling community on transpiration dynamics as well as focused studies at target ecosystems. In order to better understand what is now available in the community, what is needed, and what sort of validation is necessary for current and future estimates of transpiration, we would like to propose a workshop which would bring together potential users and producers of transpiration datasets with a focus on high global and/or temporal coverage [more]

FLUXCOM Workshop 2017

The FLUXCOM initiative ( has produced a large ensemble of (new) FLUXNET derived global products of carbon and energy fluxes. As these data products are opening up for the scientific community, we will organize a workshop to bring together the „producers” and the potential „users“ of the data products. The workshop will focus on the potential applications related to model evaluation, informing inversion approaches, corroborating with new remote sensing data streams, synthesizing budgets, solving puzzles, etc. In particular, the workshop will deal with four broad themes: 1.FLUXCOM - what's behind. 2.Evaluations and cross-consistency checks of the global products. 3.Applications. 4.Future avenues. [more]
ESA STSE Coupled Atmosphere Biosphere Virtual Laboratory (CAB-LAB) Project Introducing the Earth System Data Cube and demonstrating its usage [more]
Exploring trajectories, outliers, extreme events, and causal relations in the emerging multidimensional Earth system data cube. [more]

BACI Kickoff-Meeting

Kickoff-meeting for the project "Detecting changes in essential ecosystem and biodiversity properties – towards a Biosphere Atmosphere Change Index: BACI" with a strong invovlement of the user community i.e. an open science day. [more]

Greencycles II Training Workshop IV

The registration for this workshop is now closed! The training workshop IV within the Greencycles II Marie-Curie Initial Training Network is addressed to PhD-students working on nitrogen cycle aspects (or generally in the field of biogeochemistry and climate) both from an experiments and modelling perspective. The four-days workshop will be split into 2 parts: Part I (Mon-Tue, possibly also Wed morning) will cover the basic science of the N cycle, the current understanding of N cycle processes and their relevance/feedbacks for the Earth system/human health in the various components of the Earth system: Part II (Wed-Thu) will provide a discussion forum for nitrogen cycle models (overview of current approaches and their advantages/caveats). The workshop fee of 30 € for part I and 60€ for part I + II, which will cover the expenses for coffee breaks and lunch, is payable to the below account by the 15st February 2013. We have blocked a number of rooms at the IBIS hotel in downtown Jena (see hotel or detail on how to make your reservations). [more]

Greencycles II Training Workshop II

Greencycles II Training Workshop II Benchmarking and Data Assimilation took place in September 2011 at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena [more]
Regional and global observations of biogeochemical cycles, such as ecosystem-atmosphere fluxes or biospheric responses to climate, lead to high dimensional spatiotemporal data matrices. Environmental diagnostics and prognostics under non-stationary climate conditions require insight in the coupling of multiple data streams, posing novel problems to statistics and bioinformatics. Merging the expertise from relevant backgrounds is expected to allow the identification of common goals and open new methodological perspectives. [more]
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