

Flux towers

Main tower

Main tower

The main tower was built in 2003 by CEAM and the surronding area has not been manipulated, which makes it as a control area
North tower
The north tower was built in 2014 by the MaNiP project and the surronding area has been fertilized by nitrogen every year since then. more
South tower
The south tower was built in 2014 by the MaNiP project and the surronding area has been fertilized by nitrogen and phosphorus every year since then. more
La Albuera mobile tower

La Albuera mobile tower

This tower (ES-Abr) is also located in a tree-grass
ecosystem, southwest of the Majadas site. The mobile tower has standard eddy covariance system and classic micrometorological sensors.

This site is drier with a mean precipitation at 350 mm yr−1 compared to the mean precipitation of 650 mm yr−1 at Majadas. The dominant tree species (greater than 98%) in both ecosystems are evergreen holm oaks with a height of 8.7 ± 1.3 m (ES-LMa) and 6.6 ± 0.9 m (ES-Abr) and a herbaceous layer.

Instrumentations and measurements

1. Eddy covariance systems (R3-50 Gill + LI-7200) at 15.5 m
2. Meteorological measurements
    - 4-component radiation (CNR4 radiometer)
    - Precipitation (tipping bucket, Thies)
    - Air temperature + Relative humidity (ventilated at main)
    - Wind speed and wind direction
    - Air Pressure
    - CO2 & H2O concentration profile
    - Soil temperature 5 depth profiles (4 per site)
    - Soil water content 5 depth profiles (4 per site)
    - Soil heat flux (8 sensors per site)
4. Tree
measurements (6-8 trees per site)
    - Sapflow
    - Dendrometers
5. Webcam (RGB+IR, stardot netcam SC5)
Surface IR temperature of grass (3 IR sensors per site at 0º, 35º, 55º view)
7. Subcanopy eddy covariance systems (R3-50 Gill + LI-7200)
8. Rotated radiation towers
    - Incoming and outgoing short- and longwave radiation
    - Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)
    - Photochemical reflectance index (PRI)
9. Soil-CO2 chamber systems
10. FLOX hyperspectral system (at the north tower only)

* Additional measurements at the Main tower site
    - Lysimeters (3 stations of 2 “1m2 x 1m depth” lysimeters)
    - Diffuse radiation SW and diffuse PPFD (SNP1 and BF5)
    - High quality shortwave incoming radiation (CMP22)
    - Weighting raingauge 
    - NDVI of grassland
    - Wind profile (15m, 12m, 9m, 7m, 5m, 3m,1m)
    - Air temperature + RH profile (1m, 2m, 4m, 8m, 15m)


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