Recent Activities
MPI-BGC fieldwork team with UGT had a site visit to Majadas de Tiétar and La Albuera to upgrade lysimeters, calibrate CO2/H2O analyzer, calibrate CO2/H2O profile analyzer, and grease some chambers.
The previous and current members working on data from the Majadas tower met at MPI-BGC, Jene, Germany in June 2022.
Research activities at flux towers involve carrying out work at height for the installation of new instrumentation and its maintenance. Performing them safely requires special equipment and training. The most recent rescue training at Majadas tower was organized by MPI-BGC in June 2022.
Follow us!
Majadas site is registered in FLUXNET (ES-LMa, ES-LM1, and ES-LM2) and PhenoCam network (Link, ID:eslma)
For most updated news and research oppotunities, you are welcome to follow us on Twitter!!
Dr. Sung-Ching (Nick) Lee (Twitter)
Dr. Richard Nair (Twitter)
SpecLab (Twitter)
Dr. Vicente Burchard-Levine (Twitter)
Centro de Estudios Ambientales del Mediterráneo (Twitter)
Prof. Victor Rolo (Twitter)