AIXSciences Jena November 27th: at this conference, AI experts from numerous research projects will discuss all aspects of AI, organised by the ELLIS unit Jena with the Carl Zeiss Foundation. Among others, our ELLIS project group leader Shijie Jiang will talk about the "Integration of knowledge and machine learning in earth system science". more
Review of the Federal Government's Digital Summit 2023 in Jena: the ELLIS unit Jena organised the slot "Artificial Intelligence for Climate Change Resilience and Early Warning". Here, scientists examined the benefits and opportunities of AI within government early warning and decision-making processes, including Markus Reichstein... more

November 2023

Di Xie joined Gregory Duveiller's "“Ecosystem Function from Earth Observation” group this week. The guest from China will be with us for 1 1/2 years. A warm welcome!

October 2023

Since this October, two PhDs, Eleanor Butler and Myriam Terristi, strengthen Ana Bastos' Climate-ecosystem-disturbance interactions group. Bayu Budi Hanggara is the new PhD in Nick Lee's Eco-Meterology group. Jianing Fang has been a guest in Nuno Carvalhais´ group since October 9th and Prasoon Pandey is also supporting the Model Data Integration group as a HiWi with immediate effect. A warm welcome!

September 2023

Simon Danisch joined this month Nuno Carvalhais´ group Model-Data Integration. Welcome!

August 2023

Dr. Shijie Jiang started as the first ELLIS Unit Jena Research Group leader at BGI. Georgios Blougouras is new PhD in this group and Jiaxin Xie will support our research group Global diagnostic models until next summer. A warm welcome!
Public panel discussion in Hanover on the eve of the HK2023 - for a short impression (in German) more
BGI at Global AI for Good summit in Geneva July 5, 2023. Join our workshop online: The role of AI in tackling climate change and its impacts: from sciene to early warnings. more

June 2023

Julia Flores Gallego and Emma Reich have been guests at BGI since this June. Emma is working in the BAIE group for 6 weeks. Julia supports the group around Ana Bastos until the end of August.Welcome!
HK2023 starts in a few days on the topic "Climate Crisis and Systemic Risks - Lessons Learned from Covid-19". Prof. Markus Reichstein and his team, Dorothea Frank, Marleen Triebiger and Alice Ratajczak, will be there. more
On May 25th, 1PM CEST, the next EEBIOMASS virtual workshop on “Future of forest demography” will take place. Click on “more” to register.  more

May 2023

Marleen Triebiger, Mohammed Ayoub Cheetouh and Tiago Silva joined BGI this month.

April 27th, 2023

EGU 2023: René Orth participates in a press conference during EGU and an online debate from Euronews. 
On April 20th 3:00 - 4.30PM CEST, Ana Bastos will hold a public talk on “Climate risks from extremes events to the land carbon cycle: detection, attribution and uncertainties“. Click “more” to register. more

April 2023

Deep Prakash Sarkar and Viktoriya Demchyk  joined BGI this month.

March 27th, 2023

From 18 - 20.04.2023, Dr. Lazaro Alonso Silva will organise the 1st MakieCon conference together with Simon Danisch, Makie Creator, and Julius Krumbiegel, Makie Maintainer.
On March 15 &16, 2023, Sung-Ching Lee organizes an in-person workshop on “Ecosystem-atmosphere interactions and nature-based climate solutions” more

March 2023

Daniel Loos and Marleen Triebiger joined BGI this month.
On February 09th, Jeroen Smits will hold a talk on ‘Social Data Science’ in meeting room C1. Feel free to join. more

February 2023

Arvind Gauns, Yimian Ma, Anna Schackow, Sarah Heinrich, Yigit Uckan and Myriam Terristi joined BGI this month.
Ellis Unit Jena Kick-Off on January 12, 2023, in Rosensäle of the FSU. more
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