

Forest Vulnerability to compound extremes and disturbances in a changing climate

This project has been moved to the University of Leipzig.


Mega-droughts, massive wildfires and widespread tree mortality reported in the last decade might be early warnings of the upcoming threats to forests under climate change. Yet, available data and process-understanding about the interactions between climate, key disturbance types and the C cycle is limited, so is our ability to simulate impacts of compound extremes and disturbances on forest CO2 sequestration potential in future climate projections by Earth System models.

ForE×D aims to integrate the study of climate extremes and forest disturbances as part of the joint eco-climatic variability to improve process understanding and attribution of high impact events to climate change. This will be done by applying novel high spatiotemporal resolution remote-sensing data to reconstruct disturbance histories; explore emerging analytical tools to gain understanding about the interactions between climate, forests and disturbances and; to develop mechanistic models of forest-disturbance interactions in the QUINCY land-surface model.


May 2024

Ana Bastos is now Professor at the University of Leipzig. This project has been moved to the University of Leipzig.

September 1st, 2022

ForExD has started! Welcome to 1st team member Albert Jornet, working as a programmer to help implement forest disturbances into QUINCY land surface model

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