Publications of Tea Thum
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Journal Article (7)
Journal Article
28 (2), pp. 493 - 508 (2022)
Long-term ecosystem nitrogen limitation from foliar delta15N data and a land surface model. Global Change Biology 2.
Journal Article
17 (22), pp. 5721 - 5743 (2020)
Evaluating two soil carbon models within the global land surface model JSBACH using surface and spaceborne observations of atmospheric CO2. Biogeosciences 3.
Journal Article
225 (6), pp. 2331 - 2346 (2020)
Whole‐plant optimality predicts changes in leaf nitrogen under variable CO2 and nutrient availability. New Phytologist 4.
Journal Article
12 (11), pp. 4781 - 4802 (2019)
A new model of the coupled carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles in the terrestrial biosphere (QUINCY v1.0; revision 1996). Geoscientific Model Development 5.
Journal Article
12 (9), pp. 4075 - 4098 (2019)
Parameter calibration and stomatal conductance formulation comparison for boreal forests with adaptive population importance sampler in the land surface model JSBACH. Geoscientific Model Development 6.
Journal Article
14 (7), pp. 1969 - 1987 (2017)
Modelling sun-induced fluorescence and photosynthesis with a land surface model at local and regional scales in northern Europe. Biogeosciences 7.
Journal Article
234-235, pp. 48 - 65 (2017)
The potential benefit of using forest biomass data in addition to carbon and water flux measurements to constrain ecosystem model parameters: case studies at two temperate forest sites. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology