REddyProcWeb online tool

The REddyProc online tool implements the standardized methods for processing Eddy-Covariance data. This online tool is based on the REddyProc R package which can be used offline in R with more options and flexibility.

Citation: Wutzler T, Lucas-Moffat A, Migliavacca M, Knauer J, Sickel K, Sigut, Menzer O & Reichstein M (2018) Basic and extensible post-processing of eddy covariance flux data with REddyProc. Biogeosciences, Copernicus, 15, doi: 10.5194/bg-15-5015-2018



  • 2023-03-21: Migrated the REddyProc web-service to new Webserver
  • 2023-01-26: Transitioned to new web presentation (Content management system)
  • 2022-09-21: Migrated web-service to a new compute cluster,
    • now using recent REddyProc v.1.3.2

Ustar filtering

Algorithms for the calculation of the u* threshold.

UStar threshold is estimated by the Moving Point Test according to Papale et al. 2006.

The default definition of the seasons differs from standard Fluxnet processing: seasons that span from December to February can be now selected across years instead of using calendar year boundaries

Estimation of uncertainty of the threshold differs from FLUXNET processing by bootstrapping the data within seasons instead of within one year.


Gap filling

Algorithms to fill the gaps in half-hourly eddy covariance data

The gap filling service is provided for the following variables:

  • Fluxes (including uncertainty estimates): NEE, LE, H
  • Meteo: Rg, VPD, rH, Tair, Tsoil
  • Other variables with suffix '_MDS'

Flux partitioning

The algorithm for partitioning NEE_f into ecosystem respiration Reco and gross primary production GPP_f. Both night-time (Reichstein et al., 2005) and day-time (Lasslop et al., 2010) partitioning algorithms are implemented


Data plotting

All processed variables are plotted:

  • Fingerprint
  • Half-hourly fluxes and their daily means
  • Daily sums (and their uncertainties)
  • Diurnal cycle

2015 version of the online tool (discontinued)

The previous 2015 online tool implemented the algorithms in PV-Wave. Due to slight modifications, there might be some differences in the results between the two tools.

Is dicontinued because of changes of the IT infrastructure in Febr 2023.


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