REddyProc package on github

Stable version

The current release of the REddyProc package is available through CRAN. It can be directly installed with typing from the R-console:


The package needs compilation because its uses some C-code for performance. On Windows one may need to install RTools corresponding to the used R-version before one can install REddyProc from source.


Development version

The source of most recent development versions or older revsions can be downloaded and installed from github.


How-to use the REddyProc package

After installation, load the package with:


Access the help directly in the R-help window or with:


Get an comprehensive view of all help-files by clicking on the 'Index'-Link at the bottom of the help pages or by opening the help pages in a browser:

  browseURL(file.path(path.package("REddyProc"), "html", "00Index.html"))

Test the package by copying the example code from:


Vignettes can be accessed if installed from the build by typing:


A view is also provided at github (corresponding .md files).

If you run into problems or have comments, please let us and the community now (see Getting help).

Note, that we are scientists and cannot take the time to a general intro to R. In order to use the package you need to learn a bit of R and to have some colleagues around who can help you with general questions on R.


Package development

The source code is made available at via the git revisioning system. Contributions are welcome.

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