REddyProcWeb Input format

Example file

The example file contains Tharandt 1998 data from the CARBODATA CD. For testing of the online processing, download this file and go to the Processing menu page. Specify the file location, the SiteID (DE-Tha), the processing options, and your email. For flux partitioning, latitude (51.0), longitude (13.6), timezone (1.0), and temperature (Tair or Tsoil) are also required. Then start the processing.


Data input format

The default corresponds to the previous pvWave BGC online tool and few alternative options are provided with the web-service.

More flexibility of the time formats, time stamps (half-hourly or hourly), variable naming , processing options etc. is provided in the REddyProc package.


Default: Online Tool

The correct data format is the key to successful online processing as most errors are related to this issue.

Here are the first six rows of the example file to explain the formatting requirements:


Formatting requirements:

  • The data should be provided as tab-delimited or space-delimited ASCII file (e.g. in EXCEL save as TAB delimited text) and may be zipped.
  • The first row of the file contains the variable names with exactly the same names as in the template (case-sensitive!), since columns will be identified by the variable names.
    • Required time stamp format: 'Year' (year with century), 'DoY' (day of year 1..366), 'Hour' (decimal time 0..23.5)
      • Use local time, i.e. winter time throughout, rather than dailight savings time
    • Flux measurements: 'NEE' (Net Ecosystem Exchange), 'LE' (Latent heat), 'H' (Sensible heat)
    • Meteo measurements: 'Rg' (shortwave incoming global radiation), 'VPD' (vapour pressure deficit), 'rH' (relative humidity), 'Tair' (air temperature), 'Tsoil' (soil temperature), 'Ustar' (friction velocity)
  • The second row of the file contains the units for each variable as single words, e.g. 'umol_m-2_s-1' or 'ms-1'. If no unit is applicable, please use ' - ' as a filler.
  • The minimum number of columns required:
    • For gap filling: 'Year', 'DoY', 'Hour', 'NEE', 'Rg', and preferable 'Tair' and 'VPD' or 'rH'
    • For partitioning: 'Year', 'DoY', 'Hour', 'NEE', 'Rg', and temperature variable ('Tair', 'Tsoil' or other)
  • Optional 'season' column
    • used in the u* Threshold estimation with user-specified seasons.
    • Contents is a factor, i.e. all rows with the same value are grouped to one season.
  • Additional columns are optional.
  • Every row must have the same number of columns.
  • The order of the columns is optional.
  • The file should contain at least three months of half-hourly data and may span over several years.
  • The time indicates the end of the half-hour period
    • There must be 48 rows for each day
    • The first row must denote hour 0.5
    • The last row must denote hour 24.0
      • midnight (1998,1,24) is the same as (1998,2,0), denotes the last half hour of day one
      • new-year (1998,365,24) = (1998,366,0) = (1999,1,0), denotes the last half-hour of year 1998
  • Missing values are indicated by -9999.
  • Low quality or invalid values, that should not be used during the processing, should be set to -9999 beforehand.
  • VPD is used for gap-filling. If column 'VPD' is not provided but 'Tair' and 'rH', 'VPD' will be calculated. If 'VPD' or 'Tair' and 'rH' are not available, the gap filling will be of lower quality.

Fluxnet 2015

Provides data input similar to the formatting of the 2015 fluxnet data release.

The following differences to default online tool formatting are required:

  • The data should be provided as comma-separated ASCII file and may be zipped.
  • First row must specify column names, subsequent rows contain the data, i.e no units in the second row
  • Time (end of the measurement interval) is specified in column TIMESTAMP_END in ISO timestamp format: YYYMMDDHHMM
  • Only a subset of columns is importet. During import some column names are translated.
    • Flux measurements: 'NEE' , 'LE', 'H'
    • Meteo measurements: 'SW_IN' -> 'Rg', 'TA' -> 'Tair', 'TS' -> 'Tsoil', 'VPD', 'USTAR' -> 'Ustar'
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