Data output format

The default corresponds to the previous pvWave BGC online tool and few alternative options are provided with the web-service.


Default: Online Tool


Description of gap filling output variables

SuffixDescriptionOld suffix
_Thresthe threshold of uStar values used to mark insufficient conditions 
_origOriginal values used for gap fillingorig
_fOriginal values and gaps filled with mean of selected datapoints (condition depending on gap filling method)_f
_fqcQuality flag assigned depending on gap filling method and window length:
0 = original, 1 = most reliable, 2 = medium, 3 = least reliable
_fallAll values considered as gaps (for uncertainty estimates)_f_unc
_fall_qcAll values considered as gaps (for uncertainty estimates)_fqc_unc
_fnumNumber of datapoints used for gap filling_fn,
_fsdStandard deviation of datapoints used for gap filling (uncertainty)_fs,
_fsduStandard deviation across uStar thresholds (uncertainty, bias) 
_fsdugCombination of random uncertainty and uncertainty due to u*: sqrt(fsd^2 + fsdu^2) 
_fmethMethod used for gap filling:
1 = similar meteo condition (sFillLUT with Rg, VPD, Tair)
2 = similar meteo (sFillLUT with Rg only)
3 = mean diurnal course (sFillMDC))
_fwinFull window length used for gap filling_fwin,

Bootstrapping the uStar-Threshold estimate

When bootstrapping was performed, several output columns are re-estimated with gap-Filling based on low, median, and high estimates of the uStar-Threshold.

SuffixDescriptionOld suffix
_uStarestimate on the original unbootstrapped data(empty)
_U05low estimate (5% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution) 
_U50median estimate (50% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution) 
_U95high estimate (95% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution) 

A missing '_uStar' suffix in NEE, GPP, or Reco, it corresponds either to not performing uStar filtering or to uStar threshold of the non-bootstrapped data.


Description of flux partitioning output variables

Variable nameDescriptionOld name
GPP_fGross primary production, i.e. influx to the land surface (μmol m-2 s-1 as NEE) (nighttime-based) 
Reco_fEcosystem respiration, i.e. outflux from the land surface (μmol m-2 s-1 as NEE) (nighttime-based) 
GPP_DTGross primary production, i.e. influx to the land surface (μmol m-2 s-1 as NEE) estimated by day-time partitioning 
Reco_DTEcosystem respiration, i.e. outflux from the land surface (μmol m-2 s-1 as NEE) estimated by day-time partitioning 
E0activation energy parameter (K) in relationship between temperature and nighttime NEE from night-time partitioning 
R_refrespiration at reference temperature parameter (μmol m-2 s-1 as NEE) in relationship between temperature and nighttime NEE from night-time partitioning 
FP_alphacanopy light utilization efficiency and represents the initial slope of the light–response curve (daytime partitioning) 
FP_betamaximum CO2 uptake rate of the canopy at light saturation (μmol m-2 s-1) (daytime partitioning) 
FP_kparameter controlling the VPD limitation of GPP (daytime partitioning) (daytime partitioning) 
FP_qcquality flag of the estimated parameters: 0: good parameter fit, 1: some parameters out of range, required refit, 2: next parameter estimate is more than two weeks away (daytime partitioning) 
FP_dRecParrecords until or after closest record that has a parameter estimate associated (daytime partitioning) 
FP_GPP2000GPP at incoming radiation of 2000 Wm-2, more robust alternative to saturation FP_k 
FP_E0activation energy parameter (K) in relationship between temperature and nighttime NEE from day-time partitioning 
FP_RRefrespiration at reference temperature parameter (μmol m-2 s-1 as NEE) in relationship between temperature and nighttime NEE from day-time partitioning 
FP_RRef_Nightsame as FP_RRef using the same FP_E0, but from intermedate step based on night-time data 
FP_<X>_sdestimated standard devation of X 
FP_qcquality flag of day-time partitioning: 0: good parameter fit, 1: some parameters LRC parameters were out of range, required refit, 2: next parameter estimate is more than two weeks away 

REddyProc 1.2

In difference to the Online-Tool-default,

  • the _uStar suffix is handled differently:
    • A missing '_uStar' suffix it corresponds to not applying filtering for u* threshold.
    • For filtering with the uStar threshold estimated on non-bootstrapped data, the suffix '_uStar' is used.

Fluxnet 2015

Provides data output similar to the formatting of the 2015 fluxnet data release.

The following differences to default REddyProc 1.2. output:

  • Formatted as comma-separated ASCII file.
  • All rows after the first row contain data, i.e. no units in the second row
  • Time (end of the measurement interval) is specified in column TIMESTAMP_END in ISO timestamp format: YYYMMDDHHMM
  • During export column names are translated.
    • Fluxes with suffix of used uStar threshold quantile
      • "^NEE_U(\\d\\d)_f$" -> "NEE_VUT_\\1", (the pattern corresponds to the two digits quantile of the uStar threshold distribution)
      • "^GPP_U(\\d\\d)_f$" -> "GPP_NT_VUT_\\1"
      • "^GPP_DT_U(\\d\\d)$" -> "GPP_DT_VUT_\\1"
      • "^Reco_U(\\d\\d)$" -> "RECO_NT_VUT_\\1"
      • "^Reco_DT_U(\\d\\d)$" -> "RECO_DT_VUT_\\1", "GPP"
      • "^Ustar_Thresh_U(\\d\\d)$" -> "USTAR_THRESHOLD_VUT_\\1"
      • "^NEE_U50_fqc$" -> "NEE_VUT_USTAR50_QC"
      • "^NEE_U50_fsd$" -> "NEE_VUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC"
      • "^NEE_U50_fnum$" -> "NEE_VUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC_N
    • further variables
      • "night" -> "NIGHT", "Rg_f" -> "SW_IN_F_MDS", "Rg_fqc" -> "SW_IN_F_MDS_QC", "PotRad_NEW" -> "SW_IN_POT", "Tair_f" -> "TA_F_MDS", "Tair_fqc" -> "TA_F_MDS_QC", "VPD_f" -> "VPD_F_MDS", "VPD_fqc" -> "VPD_F_MDS_QC"
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