This is the collection of software and scripts developed by the Eco-Met and previous BAIE group, many in collaboration with other institutes, and made available for the community:
- Phenopix - R package for the analysis of digital repeat photography archives (developed together with G. Filippa, E.Cremonese, A.D. Richardson, M.Forkel)
- REddyProc - R package for the gap filling and partitioning of eddy covariance flux data (developed together with A.M Moffat, T.Wutzler, M.Reichstein, O. Menzer)
- REddyProcWeb - Online Tool Online tool for u* filtering, gap-filling and partitioning of eddy covariance flux data. The new tool implements the same standardized methods of Rechstein et. al (2005), (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2005.001002) as the old online tool - with the algorithms migrated from PV-Wave to R.
- RespChamb - R package for the analysis of chambers data (O. Perez-Priego, T.Wutzler)
- FieldSpectroscopyCC - R package for Characterization and Calibration of spectrometers (developed by Tommaso Julitta, Mirco Migliavacca, and Thomas Wutzler)
- FieldSpectroscopyDP - R package for processing fieldspectroscopy data(developed by Tommaso Julitta, Mirco Migliavacca, and Thomas Wutzler)
- Multiple-constraint inversion of SCOPE model using the approach described in Pacheco-Labrador et al., (2019), Remote Sensing of Environment.
- senSCOPE model: modified version of the Soil Canopy Observation, Photochemistry and Energy fluxes (SCOPE, Van der Tol at al. 2009) model to account for mixed green and senescent canopies, typical conditions of semi arid grasslands (Pacheco-Labrador et al., (2020))