News, Research highlights, on the road, in the field
July 2023
This summer, the Eco-Met group attended the exciting FLUXNET conferece in Brno, Czech Rebplic (beautiful city!!); it has been five years since it happened last time. This is first time that Laura and Arvind attended a conference in person and they presented their poster. Sinikka gave a talk on using eddy covariance to capture non-rainfall water inputs. We also had great discussions with very nice people and finally met Kazu and Youngryel, who travelled all the way to Europe.
March 2023
In March, the Eco-Meteorology group has been very busy. First, we had a new PhD recruitment round (update coming soon!).
Second, we hosted a workshop on “Ecosystem-atmosphere interactions and nature-based climate solutions” with 12 invited external speakers (the first photo below). We had great talks and discussions with wonderful people and formed further collaboration on this topic!
Third, with all the new members and collaboration with the dryland ecosystem processes group, we went to Majadas de Tiétar meeting old firends and new collaborators (the second photo below). Excited about incoming research work.
Last but not least, the Eco-Meteorology group is featured by the member spotlight in the brand new FLUXNET newsletter, Issue No. 1.