December 2016

New paper published: Nature Communications doi:10.1038/ncomms13717

Kick Off meeting of the Trustee project.

November 2016

Prof. Anatoly GItelson will visit our group for the next 2 weeks!

Workshops and conferences: Mirco will attend the The biosphere-atmosphere exchange of COS workshop; Tarek the 2nd ICOS Conference, and Oscar the Silvo-Pastoral Congress 2016

June 2016

JinHong Guan received the CSC-DAAD fellowship and she will join the group!

May 2016

Final field campaign for the DEHESHYRE project.

February 2016

 Richard and Kendal in Majadas for the first field campaign.

January 2016

The phenopix paper has been accepted in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2016.01.006

Kendallyn Morris started as PhD in the Soil Biogeochemistry and the Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions and Experimentation Group

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