October 2020

Only one year after she joined our group, Wantong already finished her first study and has currently a preprint under revision on the topic Revisiting global vegetation controls using multi-layer soil moisture. Congratulations Wantong!

Tarek and David’s were in the field today - at our research site Leinefelde where we collaborate with Alexander Knohl from Göttingen University. They collected our fluorescence box (FloX) that was installed there over the summer - enabling us the continous observation of chlorophyll fluorescence of the local beech forest.

Check out these two recently published articles with contributions from Mirco and Tarek:

Ecosystem transpiration and evaporation: Insights from three water flux partitioning methods across FLUXNET sites

Advances in hyperspectral remote sensing of vegetation traits and functions

Only one year after she joined our group, Wantong already finished her first study and has currently a preprint under revision on the topic Revisiting global vegetation controls using multi-layer soil moisture. Congratulations Wantong!

Tarek and David’s were in the field today - at our research site Leinefelde where we collaborate with Alexander Knohl from Göttingen University. They collected our fluorescence box (FloX) that was installed there over the summer - enabling us the continous observation of chlorophyll fluorescence of the local beech forest.

Check out these two recently published articles with contributions from Mirco and Tarek:

Ecosystem transpiration and evaporation: Insights from three water flux partitioning methods across FLUXNET sites

Advances in hyperspectral remote sensing of vegetation traits and function.

September 2020

There will be two presentations from our group at the ICOS science conference 2020 – both in Theme 1 Vulnerability of the carbon cycle - so join us on Wednesday Sept. 16th 14:00 CET for a talk about How nutrient and water availability impact carbon fluxes in a semi-arid tree-grass ecosystem by Mirco/Tarek and have a look at Mirco's poster about The global coordination of ecosystem functional properties

Ulisse Gomarasca and Ladislav Sigut started last week as PhD student and visiting scientist, respectively. Welcome!!

Last week some members were taking climbing classes to be safe in the field the day we can return to Majadas for field work and maintenance - which will hopefully be soon ...

Tarek's paper on the effects of heatwave 2018 has been published: “Drought and heatwave impacts on semi-arid ecosystems’ carbon fluxes along a precipitation gradient”. Available to read and download under this link .

Two articles published including MANIP data are published in the Special Issue ‘Impacts of the 2018 severe drought and heatwave in Europe: from site to continental scale’ edited (among others) by Ana Bastos:

And last but not least a short technical note from a former project where our group member Sinikka was involved on Approach for using measured soil gas diffusion coefficients in Hydrus 1D with examples from forest soils also just came out.

Enjoy reading!

July 2020

On 20.07.2020 our former group member Kendalynn successfully defended her PhD Thesis on the „Influence of nutrient availability on soil respiration and microbial activity in a tree-grass ecosystem“. Congratulations to Kendalynn from behalf of the whole BAIE team! You did a really good job and we were happy to have you working with us during these last four years.

Another MANIP paper published from Richard on Plant‐available N:P alters root litter N recycling in a Mediterranean tree–grass ecosystem. Check it out to learn more about litter turnover, N:P imbalance and nutrient stochiometry and the effects that he investigated at our site in Majadas.

We are also happy to inform about the publications from collaborators, where Mirco was involved as a co-author! For example with Gianluca Tramontana and collaborators, about a new eddy covariance CO2 flux partitioning tool based on Neural Networks and this first attempt to map functional diversity using sun induced fluorescence from the TRUSTEE network from Giulia Tagliabue.

Enjoy reading!

June 2020

What assumption do you make about the distribution of your soil CO2 efflux data? If you now start brooding over whether you ever checked - have a look why you should: in the new article from Thomas

Soil CO2 efflux errors are lognormally distributed – implications and guidance which is finally out!

May 2020

Nutrients and water availability constrain the seasonality of vegetation activity in a Mediterranean ecosystem is the latest outcome from MANIP. In his analyses Yunpeng shows that seasonality of vegetation activity was altered after fertilization and the importance of nutrient–water interaction in this Mediterranean, water‐limited ecosystems. Always feel free to contact him if you have any questions related to the observed results.

May 2020

Ekaterina has been selected by the 'International Max Planck Research School for Global Biogeochemical Cycles' ( IMPRS gBGC) of our institute. This means after her time with us as an intern, she will stay at the institute and receive funding to do her PhD project. Congratulations Ekaterina!

Great to see that EGU2020 was a big success despite this new display format! We saw many interesting contributions and great discussions in the chats. Thank you all for joining our sessions and your interest in our displays. Hopefully next year, we will see each other again face to face! Displays will still be online, so in case you missed anything just have a look now!

Our former group member Xuanlong just published this very interesting technical note about Monitoring Plant Functional Diversity Using the Reflectance and Echo from Space.

For those who are more interested in latest results of Soil COS Exchange: Kitz et al. investigated the interactive role of solar radiation and soil organic matter in driving the direction and magnitude of soil COS exchange in three European Ecosystems.

And last but not least - an article from a former project of our group member Sinikka about Water Stable Isotopes in Ecohydrological Field Research: Comparison Between In Situ and Destructive Monitoring Methods to Determine Soil Water Isotopic Signatures also just got published in Frontiers.

Enjoy reading!

EGU2020: EGU will take place online this year and will be free of charge.
As BAIE Conveners we would be very pleased to welcome you to the following sessions:

Session BG3.33: Emerging constraints of photosynthesis (including chlorophyll fluorescence), respiration, and transpiration at ecosystem to global scales
Live chat on Wed, 06 May, 08:30–10:15

Session BG3.27: Latest Developments and Software Tools for Ecosystem and Flux Data Analysis
Live chat on Fri, 08 May, 14:00–15:45

Session BG3.13: Advancing mechanistic understanding of vegetation ecosystem processes
Live chat on Fri 08 May, 10:45–12:30

We are looking forward to vivid discussions in this new format!

March 2020

BAIE in remote mode as well... In Germany we say "haltet die Ohren steif" ;) stay safe everyone

Have a look at this publication and the beautiful polar plots of the angular distribution of F760, F687, sPRI, R750, R680 and R570 measured in chickpea, alfalfa, grass and rice canopies and learn more about the effects of varying solar-view geometry and canopy structure on solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and PRI. It was a collaboration work by our visitor from University of Milan, Khelvi and our group members Javier and Mirco

We have a long-term guest joining our team: Qian Zhang from Nanjing University will be staying with us for a whole year to investigate interactions between atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystem using remote sensing techniques. Welcome!

February 2020

Check out the latest results from Javier: senSCOPE: Modeling radiative transfer and biochemical processes in mixed canopies combining green and senescent leaves with SCOPE and participate in the discussion about this beautiful preprint.

We have a guest joining us for a week! Sofia Cerasoli from the University of Lisbon is working in an environment similar to the one in Majadas and we collaborate in a project. Welcome Sofia!

January 2020

First trip to Majadas this year! Richard went to the field on Monday 20th to check on the latest measurement devices: our Mini Rhizotrones, which will allow us to better monitor the rhizosphere at our site.

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