Main Focus

* δO2/N2 and δAr/ N2 on air and air-like gases.

* Production of standard gases and gas mixtures

* Dual Inlet Stable Isotope Measurements (δ13C/δ18O measurement of CO2 and δ15N/δ18O measurement of N2O).

* Responsible for Flask storage/Flask logistics; supply of sample flasks that need to be provided for atmospheric sampling


previous tasks

 *Analysis of carbohydrates via Chromatography

* HPLC measurements in plant tissues

* Preparation of  wood samples

* microtome slicing in wood

Curriculum Vitae

  • since November 2022 Technical Assistant in Service group IsoLab
  • since 2014 until now:Technical assistant in the Department Biogeochemical Processes in the Plant Allocation group
  • 2009-2014 Technical Assitant in the Servicegroup Stable Isotopes (IsoLab)
  • 2007-2009 Technical assistant in experimental Biodiversity Research -The Jena Experiment


  • 2006 Diploma in Biology, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
  • 1999 Abitur at Christian-Gottlieb-Reichard Gymnasium Bad Lobenstein

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