Research highlights 2024

The year 2024 saw Max Planck scientists publishing exceptional research across disciplines. The Max Planck Society has selected twelve highlights to share

December 20, 2024
Oldest modern human genomes sequenced
Genomes of seven early Europeans show they belonged to a small, isolated group that had recently mixed with Neandertals but left no present-day descendants more
Astronomers take the first close-up picture of a star outside our galaxy
Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud, at a staggering distance of over 160 000 light-years from us, WOH G64 is a dying star roughly 2000 times the size of the Sun more
burning forest
Emission reductions from climate mitigation projects are significantly lower than claimed, a new meta-study shows. more
The picture shows a hand filling out an application for a German organ donor card.
Longitudinal study examines organ donation rates in five countries that have changed their organ donation default policy from opt-in to opt-out.
New technology saves the lives of patients with fatal skin reactions
Spatial proteomics provides therapeutic approach for patients with toxic epidermal necrolysis more
How mental states impact gut health
A circuit between the brain and gut influences the gut flora and thus regulates the immune system more
Two people stand to the left of an experimental setup, a rod attached to a carousel-like device
The newly developed robotic leg is inspired by living creatures and jumps over different terrains much more manoeuvrable and energy-efficiently than previous robots more
Net effects of human-made nitrogen attenuate global warming
An assessment of the climate effects of nitrogen emissions from fertilisers and fossil fuels more
This picture, taken from a bridge over a motorway, shows heavy traffic with many lorries jammed on the two lanes in the direction of the camera. In the opposite direction, a few lorries and cars can be seen driving. A road bridge crosses the motorway a short distance away.
HyFiT fuels can reduce the carbon footprint of heavy goods transport and cut harmful emissions more
A sumatran orangutan with a wound on his face
Researchers observe a wild orangutan applying a plant with known medicinal properties to a wound, a first for a wild animal more
Beethoven with a DNA strand in the background

Was Beethoven unmusical?

April 10, 2024
An analysis of the famous composer's genetic make-up has revealed that DNA data has so far been too imprecise in capturing a person's abilities more
a big family sitting together and enjoying an afternoon
Recent study shows evolution of kinship structures through 2100 more
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