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How a plant app helps to identify the consequences of climate change

A research team led by the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) and Leipzig University has developed an algorithm that analyses observational data from the Flora Incognita app. The novel can be used to derive ecological patterns that could provide valuable information about the effects of climate change on plants. more

Henrik Hartmann honored for his scientific achievements at the IUFRO World Congress

On June 24, Prof. Dr. Henrik Hartmann, head of the Julius Kühn Institute for Forest Protection and former group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, received an important award for his scientific achievements in the field of forestry. Our warmest congratulations! more

<span><span><span>Emissions of nitrous oxide up 40 percent since 1980</span></span></span>

Anthropogenic emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O), a much more potent greenhouse gas per molecule than carbon dioxide or methane, increased by around 40% between 1980 and 2020. In 2020, anthropogenic emissions into the atmosphere reached more than 10 million tons per year, according to the new report "Global Nitrous Oxide Budget 2024" by the Global Carbon Project. more

<span><span><span>Biogeochemical soil processes may hold key to global warming</span></span></span>

A recent study published in Nature, co-authored by Sönke Zaehle, suggests that eucalyptus trees do not benefit from rising CO2. Increased CO2 levels cause soil microorganisms  to hold on to their phosphorus. This soil mineral, which is essential for tree growth, is therefore less available. more

DKK Executive Board newly elected - younger and more diverse

At the General Meeting on April 26, 2024, the new Board of Directors was elected from among the DKK members in accordance with the Articles of Association. All five candidates were elected unanimously, including Markus Reichstein. The new Board has a younger team and its range of topics has also expanded. more

Mourning for Dr Gerhard Bönisch

We mourn the loss of our long-time employee, friend and colleague Gerhard Bönisch, who passed away on 6 May 2024 after a long and severe illness. more

First Prize for Outstanding Science Communication

Informationsdienst Wissenschaft (idw) honors the best scientific press releases of the past year. more

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