BGC Publications
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Journal Article (3679)
Journal Article
Interactions between leaf phenological type and functional traits drive variation in isoprene emissions in central Amazon forest trees. Frontiers in Plant Science (accepted)
Journal Article
Global decoupling of functional and phylogenetic diversity in plant communities. Nature Ecology & Evolution (2024)
Journal Article
51, pp. 382 - 389 (2024)
The second law of thermodynamics, life and Earth‘s planetary machinery revisited. Physics of Life Reviews 4.
Journal Article
6 (6), pp. 2178 - 2181 (2024)
More than rapid identification—Free plant identification apps can also be highly accurate. People and Nature 5.
Journal Article
64 (6), pp. 407 - 417 (2024)
From unwanted to wanted: Blending functional weed traits into weed distribution maps. Weed Research 6.
Journal Article
47 (12), pp. 4849 - 4869 (2024)
Optimising height-growth predicts trait responses to water availability and other environmental drivers. Plant, Cell and Environment 7.
Journal Article
47 (12), pp. 5511 - 5526 (2024)
Nitrogen nutrition effects on delta13C of plant respired CO2 are mostly caused by concurrent changes in organic acid utilisation and remobilisation. Plant, Cell and Environment 8.
Journal Article
645 (PART A), 132165 (2024)
Advancing streamflow prediction in data-scarce regions through vegetation-constrained distributed hybrid ecohydrological models. Journal of Hydrology 9.
Journal Article
21 (22), pp. 5321 - 5360 (2024)
Representation of the terrestrial carbon cycle in CMIP6. Biogeosciences 10.
Journal Article
30 (11), e17598 (2024)
Multi-taxa responses to climate change in the Amazon forest. Global Change Biology 11.
Journal Article
314, 107818 (2024)
Atmospheric CO2 column concentration over Iran: Emissions, GOSAT satellite observations, and WRF-GHG model simulations. Atmospheric Research 12.
Journal Article
19 (12), 124072 (2024)
Simulated sensitivity of the Amazon rainforest to extreme drought. Environmental Research Letters 13.
Journal Article
952, 175753 (2024)
The linkage between functional traits and drone-derived phenology of 74 Northern Hemisphere tree species. Science of the Total Environment 14.
Journal Article
Linking leaf dark respiration to leaf traits and reflectance spectroscopy across diverse forest types. New Phytologist (2024)
Journal Article
21 (22), pp. 5079 - 5115 (2024)
X-BASE: the first terrestrial carbon and water flux products from an extended data-driven scaling framework, FLUXCOM-X. Biogeosciences 16.
Journal Article
Extreme events contributing to tipping elements and tipping points. Surveys in Geophysics (2024)
Journal Article
358, 110235 (2024)
Energy balance closure at FLUXNET sites revisited. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 18.
Journal Article
5, 705 (2024)
The key role of forest disturbance in reconciling estimates of the northern carbon sink. Communications Earth & Environment 19.
Journal Article
572, 122328 (2024)
Identifying the stand properties that support both high biodiversity and carbon storage in German forests. Forest Ecology and Management 20.
Journal Article
9 (11), pp. 2147 - 2169 (2024)
Estimating the technical wind energy potential of Kansas that incorporates the effect of regional wind resource depletion by wind turbines. Wind Energy Science